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The Last Few Weeks – Bad, But Why? :: By Ron Ferguson

Andy C

These last few weeks in the world have been very significant in many ways. I will outline only some of these. The regular readers of RaptureReady know Daymond Duck presents happenings quite regularly. I will only touch on these things now and again.

I will begin with the United States. Though I am not a resident, I try to understand what happens in the USA, as the events are significant. One advantage I have is in being able to get news from the USA freely because it is not canceled or blocked, as is the case often with American residents because of your many left wing media outlets.

I reject the idea that the USA will feature in the Tribulation, as some try to make out. The whole initial focus is on the Revived Roman Empire as the fourth kingdom from which the world ruler/Antichrist will come. America was never part of that. No one can make predictions, but I feel the UN and the WEF could be most significant for the emergence of this world ruler/Antichrist.

There are none so blind as those who swear allegiance to a system as robotic slaves and who cannot think so as to see right from wrong. We call that “blindness” a delusion, even a deception. Blindness has ascended on the world from the pit and most of those who do not belong to Jesus walk in blindness, in increasing blindness in these days.

To walk in blindness is to live in darkness. The people of the world are divided into light and darkness. Here is the quote Matthew used from the Old Testament – Matthew 4:16 “The people who were sitting in darkness saw a great light, and to those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death, upon them a light dawned.” The coming of the Lord in the first advent was a light dawning. The same will be true for the Second Advent, the coming in glory to end the world’s Tribulation darkness.
