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The Holy Spirit, a study by Stearman


When Stuff Gets Crazy LOOK UP! Maranatha!
Staff member
I've been listening to these 2 over and over, like a podcast- and really enjoying them.

They have a computer generated transcript that you can access in the drop down box under the video description. Click on that to read along if you are like me and don't absorb stuff read aloud, you need to read it to grasp it.

The Holy Spirit Completing the Harvest (Part 1) 46 minutes

This starts with John the Baptist goes quickly into Pentecost as judgment of the fruit of trees which was a Jewish aspect to Pentecost. I really found the way Stearman shows the relationship between the Holy Spirit in Pentecost from the first day of Creation.

He shows how the Holy Spirit moved in the Jewish past, and the beginnings of the church.

Olives and oil- related to the church grafted into Israel's root. The church, a wild olive branch grafted into the Hebrew root of the cultivated olive. Olives are pressed and crushed to bring out the oil, like us in the church.

He speaks of the 3 ways that God speaks of the Olive Tree (God's Holy Spirit the light of believing Israel, and us too), the Fig Tree- national Israel. And the Vine- we abide in that Vine, but it's a symbol of Israel too.

He goes into Jewish traditions of Pentecost (Shavuot) and staying up all night, how that related to this first Pentecost of the Church and how it relates to an engagement ritual that is now termed "the decoration of the Bride".

He goes into Ezekiel 10 & 11 where Ezekiel is shown the progression of the lifting of the Glory out of the Temple, over to the Mt of Olives and lifted up, and how that relates to Christ.

At the 21:00 mark he touches on the Babylonian trad of weeping for Tammuz- a 40 day event ( my note: that migrated into the Roman Catholic church as Lent.)

He concludes with the parallels between the horrors for the Jews after Ezek sees the Shekinah Glory being removed, and how the same thing happened at Pentecost when the Lord ascended from Mt of Olives where He will return eventually to end the Tribulation.

He is talking about Pentecost and the comings and goings of the Holy Spirit, including the Flood and other times when Pentecost is seen, long before it's instituted by Moses as a Feast of the Lord. The dates are really interesting.

Pentecost is the harvest of the Wheat. The 2 loaves of leavened bread are waved in the AIR on that day.

at the 40:00 as he finishes the last 6 minutes, he brings up MICAH 7 and that gets REALLY interesting. The Harvest at the END OF THE AGE which is what part 2 is about.

He discusses how the "good man" of Micah is plucked out of the earth, harvested- using a word study.

First Fruits, Jesus fulfilled it
Pentecost the Church is born by the coming of the Holy Spirit AND it's the wheat harvest (Stearman warns people from misconstruing this as a Rapture date)

How the Holy Spirit works in the Age of Grace is written in the Feasts.

The Harvest and the Holy Spirit (part 2) 48 minutes

First Fruits, and Pentecost, separated by 50 days.

The Mount of Olives ties everything together with the Holy Spirit.

Really gets into the grapes, the Vine, our place as the branches abiding in the Vine who is Christ.

If he goes on to a part 3 or more, I will post them in here.
Part 2 notes continued
8 minutes in he's talking about the Day of the Lord and how we are lifted up with the Holy Spirit and immediately the earth becomes a very very dark place.

He uses the Micah passage (I read it last night, he's right) to show how each man hunts his brother with a net. A day where conspiracy, lying bribery and corruption characterize the leaders, the judges, the best of whom are a pricking thorn or a briar.

Thorns are part of the Curse from Genesis, they stand for the works of the enemy, of Satan. Pauls thorn in the Flesh for example. Micah says the best of these leaders is but a tool of Satan- a thorn, a briar full of thorns.

The good man is dead- but Stearman shows via a word study this can have the meaning of disappeared.

Then the phrase, The Day of the Watchmen- 09:51 mark. Looking to the NORTH is the implication. That made me think of Gog Magog and Gary brings that out.

Noah is given the Noah Covenant on Pentecost (Enoch - a type of the church is born and raptured on Pentecost acc to Jewish traditions, plus King David is born and dies on Pentecost). The Law Covenant is given to Moses on Pentecost and the Holy Spirit descends on the church at Pentecost. When we go up (whenever that is) the action of the Holy Spirit to seal and indwell each believer is gone.

The next time someone is sealed, it's the 144,000 Male Jewish Virgins. (Stearman didn't point that out, but it hit me as I listened). Will that happen on a Pentecost in the future??? I don't know that is just me speculating.

At around 37:50 mark he gets into the Significance of SUNDAY, the first day of the Week, the day that God brought Light into being, long before creating the Sun. Stearman shows this is an I AM statement, I Am Light. And how Jesus is that Light, as John brings out.

Pentecost was on a Sunday, and that is the day that the Light of the Holy Spirit fell on the church. Wonderful thought.

He quotes 1John 1:5 -7

5 This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.

6 If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth.

7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

Then at around the 42:00 mark he gets into that Rapture allusion in Song of Solomon and really gets into depth there.

He finishes with how we walk in the Spirit -yes we still sin, but he explains that as we walk in the Spirit we are used by God.

I really enjoyed these 2 teaching videos- about 45 min each, well worth a listen in my opinion. I played them over and over last night and this morning.

It's not really a video, there's no picture to be distracted by, just Stearman ploughing thru the Word. You can turn it on and go do household chores and emerge refreshed by the Word of God.
I've been listening to these 2 over and over, like a podcast- and really enjoying them.

They have a computer generated transcript that you can access in the drop down box under the video description. Click on that to read along if you are like me and don't absorb stuff read aloud, you need to read it to grasp it.

The Holy Spirit Completing the Harvest (Part 1) 46 minutes

This starts with John the Baptist goes quickly into Pentecost as judgment of the fruit of trees which was a Jewish aspect to Pentecost. I really found the way Stearman shows the relationship between the Holy Spirit in Pentecost from the first day of Creation.

He shows how the Holy Spirit moved in the Jewish past, and the beginnings of the church.

Olives and oil- related to the church grafted into Israel's root. The church, a wild olive branch grafted into the Hebrew root of the cultivated olive. Olives are pressed and crushed to bring out the oil, like us in the church.

He speaks of the 3 ways that God speaks of the Olive Tree (God's Holy Spirit the light of believing Israel, and us too), the Fig Tree- national Israel. And the Vine- we abide in that Vine, but it's a symbol of Israel too.

He goes into Jewish traditions of Pentecost (Shavuot) and staying up all night, how that related to this first Pentecost of the Church and how it relates to an engagement ritual that is now termed "the decoration of the Bride".

He goes into Ezekiel 10 & 11 where Ezekiel is shown the progression of the lifting of the Glory out of the Temple, over to the Mt of Olives and lifted up, and how that relates to Christ.

At the 21:00 mark he touches on the Babylonian trad of weeping for Tammuz- a 40 day event ( my note: that migrated into the Roman Catholic church as Lent.)

He concludes with the parallels between the horrors for the Jews after Ezek sees the Shekinah Glory being removed, and how the same thing happened at Pentecost when the Lord ascended from Mt of Olives where He will return eventually to end the Tribulation.

He is talking about Pentecost and the comings and goings of the Holy Spirit, including the Flood and other times when Pentecost is seen, long before it's instituted by Moses as a Feast of the Lord. The dates are really interesting.

Pentecost is the harvest of the Wheat. The 2 loaves of leavened bread are waved in the AIR on that day.

at the 40:00 as he finishes the last 6 minutes, he brings up MICAH 7 and that gets REALLY interesting. The Harvest at the END OF THE AGE which is what part 2 is about.

He discusses how the "good man" of Micah is plucked out of the earth, harvested- using a word study.

First Fruits, Jesus fulfilled it
Pentecost the Church is born by the coming of the Holy Spirit AND it's the wheat harvest (Stearman warns people from misconstruing this as a Rapture date)

How the Holy Spirit works in the Age of Grace is written in the Feasts.

The Harvest and the Holy Spirit (part 2) 48 minutes

First Fruits, and Pentecost, separated by 50 days.

The Mount of Olives ties everything together with the Holy Spirit.

Really gets into the grapes, the Vine, our place as the branches abiding in the Vine who is Christ.

If he goes on to a part 3 or more, I will post them in here.
I will listen to this while on the elliptical tomorrow morning.
I've been listening to these 2 over and over, like a podcast- and really enjoying them.

They have a computer generated transcript that you can access in the drop down box under the video description. Click on that to read along if you are like me and don't absorb stuff read aloud, you need to read it to grasp it.

The Holy Spirit Completing the Harvest (Part 1) 46 minutes

This starts with John the Baptist goes quickly into Pentecost as judgment of the fruit of trees which was a Jewish aspect to Pentecost. I really found the way Stearman shows the relationship between the Holy Spirit in Pentecost from the first day of Creation.

He shows how the Holy Spirit moved in the Jewish past, and the beginnings of the church.

Olives and oil- related to the church grafted into Israel's root. The church, a wild olive branch grafted into the Hebrew root of the cultivated olive. Olives are pressed and crushed to bring out the oil, like us in the church.

He speaks of the 3 ways that God speaks of the Olive Tree (God's Holy Spirit the light of believing Israel, and us too), the Fig Tree- national Israel. And the Vine- we abide in that Vine, but it's a symbol of Israel too.

He goes into Jewish traditions of Pentecost (Shavuot) and staying up all night, how that related to this first Pentecost of the Church and how it relates to an engagement ritual that is now termed "the decoration of the Bride".

He goes into Ezekiel 10 & 11 where Ezekiel is shown the progression of the lifting of the Glory out of the Temple, over to the Mt of Olives and lifted up, and how that relates to Christ.

At the 21:00 mark he touches on the Babylonian trad of weeping for Tammuz- a 40 day event ( my note: that migrated into the Roman Catholic church as Lent.)

He concludes with the parallels between the horrors for the Jews after Ezek sees the Shekinah Glory being removed, and how the same thing happened at Pentecost when the Lord ascended from Mt of Olives where He will return eventually to end the Tribulation.

He is talking about Pentecost and the comings and goings of the Holy Spirit, including the Flood and other times when Pentecost is seen, long before it's instituted by Moses as a Feast of the Lord. The dates are really interesting.

Pentecost is the harvest of the Wheat. The 2 loaves of leavened bread are waved in the AIR on that day.

at the 40:00 as he finishes the last 6 minutes, he brings up MICAH 7 and that gets REALLY interesting. The Harvest at the END OF THE AGE which is what part 2 is about.

He discusses how the "good man" of Micah is plucked out of the earth, harvested- using a word study.

First Fruits, Jesus fulfilled it
Pentecost the Church is born by the coming of the Holy Spirit AND it's the wheat harvest (Stearman warns people from misconstruing this as a Rapture date)

How the Holy Spirit works in the Age of Grace is written in the Feasts.

The Harvest and the Holy Spirit (part 2) 48 minutes

First Fruits, and Pentecost, separated by 50 days.

The Mount of Olives ties everything together with the Holy Spirit.

Really gets into the grapes, the Vine, our place as the branches abiding in the Vine who is Christ.

If he goes on to a part 3 or more, I will post them in here.
I listened to the first half while on an easy walk on my treadmill. Good teaching, your notes captured it well and I will finish part 1 and all of part 2 tomorrow morning
I've been listening to these 2 over and over, like a podcast- and really enjoying them.

They have a computer generated transcript that you can access in the drop down box under the video description. Click on that to read along if you are like me and don't absorb stuff read aloud, you need to read it to grasp it.

The Holy Spirit Completing the Harvest (Part 1) 46 minutes

This starts with John the Baptist goes quickly into Pentecost as judgment of the fruit of trees which was a Jewish aspect to Pentecost. I really found the way Stearman shows the relationship between the Holy Spirit in Pentecost from the first day of Creation.

He shows how the Holy Spirit moved in the Jewish past, and the beginnings of the church.

Olives and oil- related to the church grafted into Israel's root. The church, a wild olive branch grafted into the Hebrew root of the cultivated olive. Olives are pressed and crushed to bring out the oil, like us in the church.

He speaks of the 3 ways that God speaks of the Olive Tree (God's Holy Spirit the light of believing Israel, and us too), the Fig Tree- national Israel. And the Vine- we abide in that Vine, but it's a symbol of Israel too.

He goes into Jewish traditions of Pentecost (Shavuot) and staying up all night, how that related to this first Pentecost of the Church and how it relates to an engagement ritual that is now termed "the decoration of the Bride".

He goes into Ezekiel 10 & 11 where Ezekiel is shown the progression of the lifting of the Glory out of the Temple, over to the Mt of Olives and lifted up, and how that relates to Christ.

At the 21:00 mark he touches on the Babylonian trad of weeping for Tammuz- a 40 day event ( my note: that migrated into the Roman Catholic church as Lent.)

He concludes with the parallels between the horrors for the Jews after Ezek sees the Shekinah Glory being removed, and how the same thing happened at Pentecost when the Lord ascended from Mt of Olives where He will return eventually to end the Tribulation.

He is talking about Pentecost and the comings and goings of the Holy Spirit, including the Flood and other times when Pentecost is seen, long before it's instituted by Moses as a Feast of the Lord. The dates are really interesting.

Pentecost is the harvest of the Wheat. The 2 loaves of leavened bread are waved in the AIR on that day.

at the 40:00 as he finishes the last 6 minutes, he brings up MICAH 7 and that gets REALLY interesting. The Harvest at the END OF THE AGE which is what part 2 is about.

He discusses how the "good man" of Micah is plucked out of the earth, harvested- using a word study.

First Fruits, Jesus fulfilled it
Pentecost the Church is born by the coming of the Holy Spirit AND it's the wheat harvest (Stearman warns people from misconstruing this as a Rapture date)

How the Holy Spirit works in the Age of Grace is written in the Feasts.

The Harvest and the Holy Spirit (part 2) 48 minutes

First Fruits, and Pentecost, separated by 50 days.

The Mount of Olives ties everything together with the Holy Spirit.

Really gets into the grapes, the Vine, our place as the branches abiding in the Vine who is Christ.

If he goes on to a part 3 or more, I will post them in here.
Life, mainly my life can be a comedy.

Somehow, I copied the same video twice, and sent them to my phone for listening to this morning in the gym. I listened to most of part one yesterday, then finished it this morning. I then played what I thought was part 2, but instead was part one again. Since I listened to part one yesterday, I did not realize that until I was half way through this morning.

Tomorrow I will listen to part 2 - I think….:oops::D
Life, mainly my life can be a comedy.

Somehow, I copied the same video twice, and sent them to my phone for listening to this morning in the gym. I listened to most of part one yesterday, then finished it this morning. I then played what I thought was part 2, but instead was part one again. Since I listened to part one yesterday, I did not realize that until I was half way through this morning.

Tomorrow I will listen to part 2 - I think….:oops::D
LOl i hate that, you listen to an online sermon and then you realise heeyyy i've seen this movie before !!!
Life, mainly my life can be a comedy.

Somehow, I copied the same video twice, and sent them to my phone for listening to this morning in the gym. I listened to most of part one yesterday, then finished it this morning. I then played what I thought was part 2, but instead was part one again. Since I listened to part one yesterday, I did not realize that until I was half way through this morning.

Tomorrow I will listen to part 2 - I think….:oops::D
Been there as recently as yesterday with something I clicked on, and realized part way thru, how familiar it sounded. I'd watched it the previous week!
Looks like it's a series on the Holy Spirit. Here is the next instalment. - YouTube

Today's episode is looking at the number 8 in Acts. But its' a very good account of the centurion who believes when God sends Peter to him and his household.
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