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The Greatest Threat :: By Daymond Duck

Andy C

On Feb. 5, 2024, several members of Congress and political experts gathered on Capitol Hill for a press conference to discuss how the World Health Organization (WHO) Pandemic Treaty threatens America.

This is how an article by Louis Knuffke at LifeSiteNews.com reported it:

  • “Members of the U.S. Congress warned Monday that the proposed World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty, which would cede significant power of governance over nations to self-appointed globalists in the case of a newly declared ‘health emergency,’ looms as the greatest threat to freedom, national sovereignty, and the sanctity of life that has ever been seen in human history.”
Knuffke reported that legal experts have called this a power grab by “a small committee of elite left-wing globalists appropriating to themselves control of all basic functions of a free society.”

Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) said the definition of a health crisis could include or potentially include the health of the planet, climate change, abortion on demand (including dismemberment, beheading, and starvation), and transgender surgeries regardless of a nation’s laws, and it is designed to silence dissent.

There is no question that America is facing one of the greatest threats it has ever faced, but there is a greater threat. That is what the Bible says God will do during the Tribulation Period when these self-appointed globalist elites are under a world government.

(Note: It troubles me that several members of Congress held a press conference on Capitol Hill to discuss a great threat to America; it will be voted on at the end of May, and I have seen very little about it in the media.)
