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The Great Resist


After Reading This article, I like how it was put together, and thought it was worth posting.

Nearing Midnight
1 Jan 2023
Published on: December 31, 2023 by RR7

Excerpts from article:

No recent development has been more significant than the movement toward establishing a New World Order. A specific element that is most troubling within that movement is termed “the great reset.”

These would-be globalist masters don’t see the things developing as we do by looking at them through the prism of Bible prophecy. While we see things advancing toward Antichrist’s regime at an amazing and frightening pace, the globalists, such as author of the book, The Great Reset, see things as being slowed and inhibited by forces they must eliminate. That is, they must eliminate those like us, for example. And by “us,” I mean both we who are Christians pointing out their evil, and this nation, the United States of America, whose people have been steeped in basic liberty and God-given rights from a Judeo-Christian foundation for almost three centuries.

Of course, the American, liberty-loving/enjoying constituency is under constant attack by the powers and principalities of Ephesians 6:12, both demonic and human. And that luciferian cabal is determined to take down America and eliminate all opposition to their agenda. These minions call the opposition they face “the retreat from globalization.” The following excerpt gives more detail of Klaus Schwab and his cohorts’ determination to change things so their neo-tower of Babel can be built, free of opposition.

Klaus Schwab and Theirry Malleret’s book Covid-19: The Great Reset identified “the global governance free fall” as an existential challenge, and if we do not collaborate, “we are doomed.” "Nation states make global governance possible (one leads the other),” the book states. “The more nationalism and isolationism pervade the global polity, the greater the chance that global governance loses its relevance and becomes ineffective. Sadly, we are now at this critical juncture. Put bluntly, we live in a world in which nobody is really in charge.”…
