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The Force of Destiny: By John Hamilton

Andy C

Perhaps the below lists the main reason for the EZ 38 coalition, the booty they will be after?

From the article:

While fighting Hamas in Gaza, on Oct. 29, Israel announced that it was awarding 12 licenses for exploring offshore natural gas fields to six major companies.

This news was overlooked by the major media, but this new development may give us an indication of how close we are to the Rapture and the return of Jesus Christ to claim his own. In a word, very.

These resources have lain more or less dormant. It has been nearly a full quarter-century since British Gas (BG) discovered them, sitting some 20 miles west of Israel under the Mediterranean. BG estimated the find at 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas.

But who owned them? It was then, and is now, a question. The Oslo Accords (1995, first major agreement between Israelis and Palestinians) gave rights to both the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Israel. The PA attempted development.

Israel consistently blocked that development, however. And then, in December 2008, Israel went one better: it declared sovereignty over the Gaza Marine area.

Soon after, more major nearby oil-gas deposits were discovered:

  • The Tamar gas field (2009)
  • The even larger Leviathan gas field (2010).
These finds were potential game changers, able to make Israel an oil-and-gas player just like rich Arab neighbors, who had enjoyed that status for many decades.

But progress was slow.

A 2022 global energy crisis brought about by the USA’s destruction of the Nord Stream Pipeline and the sanctions placed on Russia for its invasion of Ukraine re-ignited Israel’s interest.