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The Eternal Chain :: By Daymond Duck

Andy C

This a good but long read from Daymond:

On May 17, 2024, Joel C. Rosenberg (author, speaker, editor-in-chief of ALL ISRAEL NEWS) posted an article about his recent interview of former Israeli Prime Min. Naftali Bennett (one hour long; recorded by a TBN television crew for THE ROSENBERG REPORT).

Rosenberg’s first question for Bennett was do you believe that modern-day Israel is a fulfillment of ancient Biblical prophecies?

Here is Bennett’s interesting reply:

  • I absolutely see a connection between our ancient past, our biblical past, and our present and future as an ‘eternal chain’ to the Jewish people and the land of the Jewish people.
  • I see a continuity between Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses, Joshua, King David.
  • And then during the First and Second Temple, later in the diaspora for 2,000 years, we were praying for our home three times a day. All the Jews prayed to come back to Jerusalem. And then, indeed, the return of Jews from all across the world. That’s precisely what’s in the Bible.
  • I think that modern-day Israel is the beauty of both modernity that gets intertwined with our biblical roots and our destiny.
Later in the interview, Bennett told Rosenberg he believes Israel is specifically the fulfillment of the prophet Ezekiel’s vision of the “Valley of Dry Bones,” found in Ezekiel 37.

This writer has long known that:

  • God promised to give Abraham much more land than Israel possesses today (Gen. 15:18).
  • That God promised to make an everlasting covenant with Abraham and his descendants after him in their generations to be their God and to give them all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession (Gen. 17:7-8).
  • That God said His everlasting covenant would go through Isaac not Ishmael (Gen. 17: 18-21).
  • That normally God’s everlasting covenant would have gone through Jacob’s firstborn son, Esau, but Esau sold his birthright to Jacob (Gen. 25:29-34).
  • That God said His everlasting covenant would go through Jacob (Gen. 28:13; 35:10:12).
  • That in the days of Isaiah, God said Israel would seek their Messiah after they have been off the land and returned twice (Isa. 11:11).
  • That despite Israel’s rebellion, God said He would never break His everlasting covenant (Jer. 31:35-37).
  • That God would eventually cause Israel to return to the Promised Land, and they would never be put off again (Amos 9:15; Jer. 30:11, 46:28; Ezek. 37:25; Psa. 89:30-37).