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The Biden administration’s war against the government of Israel

By Caroline Glock
Senior Editor for
Jewish News Syndicate

(April 1, 2024 / JNS)
The war rages in the Gaza Strip, northern Israel, Lebanon, Eilat and on the streets of Israel’s cities as Iran’s Palestinian, Lebanese, Syrian, Iraqi and Yemeni proxies maintain and escalate their operations against the Jewish state. Unmoved by this state of affairs, Israel’s far left is reinstating the anti-government riots that occurred regularly through the first three-quarters of 2023.

The newest round of leftist political violence began officially on Saturday night in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem in the first of what has been billed as four days of protests. As was the case in the anti-government protests before Hamas’s invasion of and one-day holocaust in southern Israel on Oct. 7, in the current round, demonstrations are followed by riots in which a few dozen participate.

As before, riots feature bonfires along major traffic arteries, assaults on police and ultra-Orthodox Jews, threats to murder Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and storming police barricades protecting the premier’s home....

....In that communication, Dror told his colleagues that the White House was asking them to reinstate the riots. Based on what he referred to as a conversation with his contacts in the White House, Dror set out in granular detail the White House’s four-part plan to overthrow the government. The components involved actions on the ground in Gaza; the use of the U.N. Security Council; extortion of government ministers; and mass protests.


Joe Biden: We firmly adhere to maintaining Israel's security in the face of Iran's threats.
Iran is threatening to launch a major attack on Israel, but as I told Prime Minister Netanyahu, our commitment to Israel's security against these threats from Iran and its allies is iron-clad - let me say it again - iron-clad. We can protect Israel's security.

Amir on Telegram
I saw a headline by Caroline Glick in my YT feed pop up. I didn't have time but the first part was about Biden pressuring Israel to quit in Gaza.
I've been trying to keep up with her, but I get so infuriated that I sometimes skip her info. The US angrily threatened Netanyahu last Thursday, April 4. Subsequently the IDF was ordered out of southern Gaza.

But then this confusing info comes out:
Joe Biden: We firmly adhere to maintaining Israel's security in the face of Iran's threats.
Iran is threatening to launch a major attack on Israel, but as I told Prime Minister Netanyahu, our commitment to Israel's security against these threats from Iran and its allies is iron-clad - let me say it again - iron-clad. We can protect Israel's security.

Amir on Telegram

I've been trying to keep up with her, but I get so infuriated that I sometimes skip her info. The US angrily threatened Netanyahu last Thursday, April 4. Subsequently the IDF was ordered out of southern Gaza.

But then this confusing info comes out:

Yeah, it's complicated alright. Biden and his team are masterful at gaslighting. (Easter aka trans visibility day acc to Biden which he said he never said, but it's on videos around the world) Telling us all we imagined it.

I listened to Caroline a bit more. Talking to Richard somebody from the US govt, an elected official.

The fast and inaccurate version (aka my take) is US made a deal with Israel a long time back, that they could stop making their own weapons, and America would send money, that Israel would spend on American made weapons.

So far so good. Now it gets bad. They apparently believed the American promise to defend Israel no matter what.

So Israel stopped making their own weapons, to rely on US weapons manufacturers.

Except now Biden is going against the sales agreements, and threatening to withhold the weapons, and their spare parts and consumable bits if Bibi doesn't do as he's told. And it depends on which side of the bed Sleepy Joe got out of that morning whether he will send money to fund Iran's nukes or "defend" Israel.

Not to mention the IDF doesn't want old tech, they want the newer jets, I forget the name of those. Caroline was quite cranky about that and I don't blame her.

I think listening to her, and then Amir it sounds as if Bibi has decided to do what Biden says so he can get the weapons he desperately needs to go deal with Lebanon (and Iran too if Iran doesn't smarten up).

Caroline would like to see arms manufacturing home grown again in Israel which sounds like a good idea. And quit trusting Israel's "friends" to do the right thing.
I agree. They are fully surrounded and the stakes would be the highest of likely to at least possible extermination by their enemies, except the scriptures are clear that the King of Kings and Lord of Lords will not let that happen. Because many do not know or believe the scriptures, they are pushing Israel into it that in their mind as highly likely. Why do they push that? Why do they weaken the lone country in that part of the world that isn't filled with butchers and focused on exterminating any other people or even religious groups? Why so set to leave an infestation sitting on very small and very unstable Israeli borders? Is it b/c they are trying the ultimate balancing act that we all know is just futile? Is it intentional and with no real care if Israel survives? Is it just for oil? Is it for fear of Russia and China? We always knew a USA support and alliance with Israel would be torn down and for me it was just expected things would worsen relationally but figuring the worst of this would come after the rapture. I can't hold that same position at this time.
Caroline was quite cranky about that and I don't blame her.
We always knew a USA support and alliance with Israel would be torn down and for me it was just expected things would worsen relationally but figuring the worst of this would come after the rapture. I can't hold that same position at this time.
Both Israel and those of us in the west who know Israel is the true victim are deeply troubled. My consolation is that because many friends of Israel are believers we are sending unbelieving Jews a strong message. This may draw some Jews to Jesus.

Last summer during the ongoing leftest demonstrations in Israel, Carolyn Glick lumped Christians with the activists who wanted to overthrow Netanyahu and expressed it with anger. Now she's softened towards us.