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The Battle For America :: By Nathele Graham

Andy C

America is about to vote for men to lead our nation. This is something that should never be taken lightly. Remember, it is God we must honor with our vote.

No man is perfect, but there are some who should never be trusted to lead a nation.

There is a spiritual battle raging for control of America, and Satan seems to be winning. There have been so many totally immoral leaders that it is shameful, and somehow, they all get a free pass from the press. JFK was a womanizer, as was Clinton, who disgraced the office of president and should be ashamed. Obama bowed to Muslims and brought into law things that are totally against God. Did any of these men repent and turn from their sin? Joe Biden? What a joke. I will never be persuaded to believe that he won the last election legally. I will also never believe that he is making decisions on his own without some very evil forces pulling his puppet strings.

Let me ask this question: Why should God bless America? The fact that any of those men have been elected is a very sad comment on the depths to which Americans have sunk morally. I know that there is a remnant Christian community, but we seem to be willing to give up our Constitutional rights while debased people speak out radically. We don’t want to judge. Using Scripture as our guide, opposing any lifestyle that is contrary to God isn’t judging; they are judging themselves. Why should we hold our silence while so many people are condemning themselves to eternal death while Christians stay silent?

Jesus loved everyone, but when a sexually promiscuous woman was brought before Him to be condemned, He showed compassion and love. He convicted her accusers, who left in disgrace, but she found forgiveness. After the religious hypocrites had left the scene in disgrace, Jesus asked her where her accusers were. “She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more” (John 8:11). She found forgiveness, just like you and I can be forgiven of our sin. There has to be true repentance, then we must go and sin no more. We must reach out to nonbelievers and help them come to salvation through Jesus Christ.
