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The Anchor of Our Blessed Hope in Perilous Times :: By Jonathan Brentner


We live in “perilous times” on steroids.

In one sense, the characteristics that Paul wrote about in 2 Timothy 3:1-5 have been true of godless people down through the ages. Such people have always made life “perilous” for those with biblical faith. On the other hand, these characteristics have become much more prominent in our world during the past several decades and have greatly intensified during just the past few years.

These attributes are a contributing factor to the dramatic increase in wickedness and lawlessness in our world. Nothing in history rivals the widespread deception that has permeated virtually every nation in the world.


Jonathan makes very good sense. Excellent article: worth the read. As He wrote in his final paragraph: "I believe that reminders of the solid scriptural basis for our hope will encourage the hearts of those of us already fixated on Jesus’ appearing, and it’s my hope that others who have heard the glorious details of our amazing hope will find steadfast encouragement in the anchor of their souls."