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As I read a couple of testimonies that were shared with me today by the wife of a precious minister, I was struck by how absolutely faithful God is! How loving! How good to each of us in so many ways. The thought that one day soon I, along with Andrea and you all plus all the others, will look on His face and be held in His arms, makes me cry. I am so unworthy and I don't understand why He loves me. But He does and that thought causes my heart to overflow. One day soon all this that we have known, that we are going through now, will be over. Sin and sorrow and sickness and separation and suffering and Satan will no longer be even memories. We will be safely home forever. I just had to encourage each of you today with that thought, that comfort, that absolute truth.

Thank you, Jesus! Glory to Almighty God our Father! And thank you Holy Spirit for sealing us until that day.
AMEN! I am so tired. So done with the wickedness. I know I'll be glad He delayed when I meet those last precious few saints, but till I know them -all I know is a longing to be there, with the Lord. Seeing his face, his nail scarred hands. Worshipping Him forever. Never to be separated from His presence.
I have thought a lot about this lately... as the world turns darker, I want no part of the evil for me or my family. I was blessed to have been raised by a Mom and Dad who valued love, honor, righteousness, honesty, loyalty and our proper place under the Creator and Sustainer of All Things. How I long to be with like minded people. No locks on doors, no one trying to scam or phish your bank accounts. There with He who made it all and sustains it all... What a joy to be taught by the Greatest! ... some day.
I have thought a lot about this lately... as the world turns darker, I want no part of the evil for me or my family. I was blessed to have been raised by a Mom and Dad who valued love, honor, righteousness, honesty, loyalty and our proper place under the Creator and Sustainer of All Things. How I long to be with like minded people. No locks on doors, no one trying to scam or phish your bank accounts. There with He who made it all and sustains it all... What a joy to be taught by the Greatest! ... some day.
For me, it's being done with my sin nature, my fears, my anxieties, caring what others think. Done.
I can’t wait to worship the King of all Kings. Face to face. With billions upon billions of others from around the world and from all of history. Every single one of us who have loved Him, and whom He loves. We will all experience being one, as our voices sing in ways we didn’t even know were possible. Words we have never thought of. Gigantic, roaring waves of adoration and praise. Uninterrupted. Undistracted. Pure. Holy. We will watch as the Lamb who was slain for each and every one of us, takes His seat upon His glorious throne. And we will relish in His reign. His victory will be finally and fully realized.

I want to go there, now.
The rapture is one of those things that seems almost too good to believe…doubts try to creep in and spoil my blessed hope and take my crown…except there it is in His word, plain as day, and so I believe it.
15For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 16For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 17Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord. 18Therefore comfort one another with these words.
1 Thessalonians 4:15-18
I can’t wait to worship the King of all Kings. Face to face. With billions upon billions of others from around the world and from all of history. Every single one of us who have loved Him, and whom He loves. We will all experience being one, as our voices sing in ways we didn’t even know were possible. Words we have never thought of. Gigantic, roaring waves of adoration and praise. Uninterrupted. Undistracted. Pure. Holy. We will watch as the Lamb who was slain for each and every one of us, takes His seat upon His glorious throne. And we will relish in His reign. His victory will be finally and fully realized.

I want to go there, now.
Absolutely beautiful, sis! Absolutely beautiful!
Thanks for starting this thread because I really needed it. I think we all did.
Don’t watch. Just listen:
My favorite part was @1:21-1:27. I love the subtlety of those six seconds.
And I said “don’t watch just listen” because everyone in the room is making over her singing a little too much. But it really was a very special moment for them, because not only are they her peers, but sitting right behind Sandi Patty is the woman who actually wrote the song, Dottie Rambo. Who is getting her socks blessed off. So everyone was thrilled for her, too.
I normally don't listen to music like this, but I have it on loop. This one hit different for me. I had never heard of this person before tonight. Thanks, Andi.
Wow - you’re welcome.
I was never much for this kind of music either, and if you told me before I got saved that I would be listening to this and other stuff like the Maranatha Singers, I would have thought that I became a real dork 🤣