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Teacher forced to remove cross, Bible verse from classroom after atheist group complains


An Indiana public middle school has instructed a teacher to remove Christian wall decor from a classroom after a national secularist legal organization argued that the religious decorations violate the constitutional rights of non-Christian students.

An English teacher from Honey Creek Middle School in Terre Haute, Vigo County, was asked to remove a Latin cross and a Bible quote once hanging on the wall of a classroom, the Freedom From Religious Foundation announced earlier this month.

The school district's instruction came after a "concerned parent" reported the teacher's decor to the Wisconsin-based group that advocates for a strict separation of church and state.


This separation of church and state "Clause" does not exist.
I don't know how anyone can enforce a constitutional law that doesn't exist.
This "Clause" has been brought before the US Supreme Court multiple times and has been struck down as unconstitutional.

Satan is so adamant to destroy any freedom of exercising our rights to express and practice our faith and relentlessly attempts to bring about persecution of Christians for doing so.

Satanism is a "religion" yet satanists are permitted to have after school "Satan clubs" on school premises. This attack on Christianity is expected being that Jesus said we would all be hated because he was hated.


At a high school in a small town in North Carolina, I attended a couple of events and witnessed the principal, teachers, and students all praying or giving some praise to God when they were at the podium. It was wonderful to see. It would only take one person to end that through the courts :(. This is at a public high school.
Has this group complained about the satanic (Halloween) decorations, which are also religious in nature? Or did they single out Christianity for special (adverse) treatment?