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Super Tuesday March 5, 2024

Today was Super Tuesday, so-called because of the number of delegates up for grabs in political party Presidential nominating processes, due to the number of states having primaries on one day (today)

Live results (nation-wide):
"No [Democrat] candidate besides Mr. Biden has secured any delegates. There are two "uncommitted" delegates, based on the results of a protest campaign in Michigan. Tuesday's results also showed "uncommitted" surpassing the threshold needed to secure delegates in Minnesota, but the state party said results likely wouldn't be finalized Tuesday night."

Locally, in Minnesota, there's a movement driven by muslims, allies, and antiSemitic people, aided and abetted by the media, pushing for people (DFLers) to vote "uncommitted" as a threat to President Biden to change what he's doing for Israel and against Palestine, in favor of "from the river to the sea," so not just a cease-fire and not even a two-State solution, "or else." There's also a local movement for people (GOP) to vote for Nikki Haley as a message to President Trump about his stance on abortion.

And, there have been veiled threats against those, who vote for President Trump. In Minnesota, the party ballot one votes in primaries isn't secret, although who and what one voted for against, specifically, is :mad: The information is provided to political parties for marketing, etc. purposes. IDK if PACs or others get it.

Minnesota's official results

It should be noted, unlike some other states, in Minnesota, people are allowed to vote Uncommitted and Write-In during any election, caucus, etc.
NOTE that in the below, I left out the candidates with the tiny percentages.

President Trump, 68.5 percent
Nikki Haley, 29.13 percent
Ron Desantis, 1.22 percent

President Biden, 69.49 percent
Uncommitted, 18.95 percent
(MN) Rep. Dean Phillips, 7.82 percent

Legal Marijuana Now:
Krystal Gabel, 27.41 percent
Write-In, 21.88 percent
Rudy Reyes, 13.72 percent

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:
In Minnesota, unless a candidate earns at least 85 percent of state-wide votes, delegate allocation is proportional to the candidates that got at least 10 percent of the statewide vote.
39 delegates in Minnesota, 15 of which are statewide, and 3 per Congressional District (8)

Neither President Biden nor President Trump will get all of his party's Minnesota delegates
https://www.usatoday.com/elections/results/2024/republican/presidential-delegates/ This link is the results of Trump and Haley. He won all of them except for Washington D.C. and Vermont. He even won the Democrat states of Minnesota and California. Alaska is still to be counted.
RE: Minnesota:
This is a Presidential Primary Election as opposed to the General Election, so President Trump only got majority of Minnesota delegates for the Republican Presidential nomination, which will happen during the Republican National Convention later this year. Nikki Haley also got some of Minnesota's Republican delegates.
President Biden got the majority of Minnesota delegates for the Democrat Presidential nomination, which will happen later this year. Uncommitted also got some of Minnesota's Democrat delegates.
The main reason Haley won (barely) Vermont, I think, is that this state has open primaries. Therefore Democrats as well as Never-Trump Republicans were able to vote in the Republican primary.
Minnesota also has open primaries. Pre-primary Precinct Caucuses are open, as well (we have both Cauci and Primaries). Precinct Caucuses at the beginning of each election cycle before we had Primaries, were open, at least from the time I got old enough to participate and vote. Ward and District Caucuses were necessarily closed, and only attended by elected delegates and alternates from the next lower caucus.

Here, I think Rep. Dean Philips and Uncommitted benefitted more than Nikki Haley by cross-over voting. A lot of Republicans here are unhappy with President Trump's moderate stance on abortion.
Locally, in Minnesota, there's a movement driven by muslims, allies, and antiSemitic people, aided and abetted by the media, pushing for people (DFLers) to vote "uncommitted" as a threat to President Biden to change what he's doing for Israel and against Palestine, in favor of "from the river to the sea," so not just a cease-fire and not even a two-State solution, "or else." There's also a local movement for people (GOP) to vote for Nikki Haley as a message to President Trump about his stance on abortion.

And, there have been veiled threats against those, who vote for President Trump. In Minnesota, the party ballot one votes in primaries isn't secret, although who and what one voted for against, specifically, is :mad: The information is provided to political parties for marketing, etc. purposes. IDK if PACs or others get it.

Minnesota's official results
It should be noted, unlike some other states, in Minnesota, people are allowed to vote Uncommitted and Write-In during any election, caucus, etc.
NOTE that in the below, I left out the candidates with the tiny percentages.
You are in the wild (mid-north) west aren't you LOL.
Minnesnowtastan :lol:
Twin Cities . . . modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah :mad:

It would be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much worse if not for the historic and continued permeation of the Church throughout society here. Unfortunately, the majority of the churches here are verrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry liberal, although even they do still preach The Gospel.