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Something off with the "likes"

I'm not sure what's going on, but it hit me too. I'm sure @Tall Timbers will figure it out. And logging out and back in did not fix the problem for me. I'm having it intermittently ... but more of the whacko than the normal. I'm also losing my reply box. I have to actually click reply on someone else's post in order to be able to write one of my own.
This has happened to me numerous times, and it's generally when the ISP is being a giant pain in the butt censoring, dropping and/or slowing my connection, etc. If I switch to Tor, it helps, but then the ISP tries to keep me off the net altogether. This doesn't happen if I'm on secular or government website(s) only, and haven't been connected to any Christian sites for awhile.

A hot shut-down and rebooting is sometimes the only fix, and sometimes that doesn't work, either :(
I have a different issue, in my alerts I get notifications of members likes or quoting on my posts and usually those alerts are highlighted blue but now they are all same pale color as the older likes/quotes, I shut my laptop down every time I'm done reading.

I think that's an unfortunate part of the Novus upgrade. The new alerts are a different shade but are nearly indistinguishable from the older alerts.
I have a different issue, in my alerts I get notifications of members likes or quoting on my posts and usually those alerts are highlighted blue but now they are all same pale color as the older likes/quotes, I shut my laptop down every time I'm done reading.

If you're in dark mode, the shades of gray are extremely similar [sigh]
If you're on a netbook or laptop, you might be able to put more power to your screen and/or adjust the contrast some to make it a little easier to distinguish.
When I use VPN my internet provider can't see what sites I'm visiting.
If your provider is censoring at all I would think rebooting your device wouldn't help.

If I do a hard power off and reboot, I can get generally get back on using Tor. If I log out of/close out everything and then power down nicely, it doesn't help. When I close my browser window(s), the cache, etc. is cleared automatically. Using a VPN has led to being shut down from the internet for an hour at a time. Happened with Norton, Proton, and McCaffey VPN

There's something going on with this specific ISP in this area, and some neighbors and I think it has to do with efforts in the Twin Cities area toward sharia (not just via internet stuff; this ISP is one of the cable companies and they censor movies with the same effects as the censors in Cairo did when I was there). From what I'm hearing, there are several small, specific areas, which are having the internet issues with this ISP, and we think the ISP is tweaking it's censorship capability so it's ready to go live with it on a large/system basis whenever. Someone reached out to someone in Dearborn via snail mail, and we're all waiting for the reply.

Other Christians in this subdivision with the same ISP have experienced the same issues visiting Christian sites, but Christians in this subdivision visiting the same Christian sites using a different ISP have not.

We're all noticing a significant uptick in incidences :headbang:

The price difference is significant between the this bad ISP and the good ISPs. Some of the neighbors also have their cell service via the same company. For those with kids/teens, the cost savings is huge.

I've taken my netbook elsewhere and and don't have these issues, including at the apartment with the same ISP. When I get a job and can afford to, I plan on switching ISPs

My cell phone is a different company, and I haven't had these issues, but I don't like coming to CCF on it because I can only "like" react, and it's really hard to login and post with the itty bitty keyboard and my short, fat fingers :lol:
and no confetti :cry:

And speaking of confetti, now I have to turn it back on every time I visit, instead of it being there when I login [sigh] :lol:
If you're on a netbook or laptop, you might be able to put more power to your screen and/or adjust the contrast some to make it a little easier to distinguish.
Thanks Ghoti I increased screen brightness a bit and that helps a lot , but I can only turn it up to about 45% or my lap top screen goes crazy with colors and plaid patterns then I have to reboot and quickly turn the brightness down, sometimes it takes quite a few reboots to get it straightened out. 2013 Toshiba, other than that issue it runs like a champ!
And speaking of confetti, now I have to turn it back on every time I visit, instead of it being there when I login [sigh] :lol:

I'm not 100% sure, but I think that might be a bug. If you set it for confetti the setting shouldn't change because you log out. Oh well, I guess there are bigger things to worry about, especially if you're walking around with a pager...