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Something Awful Is Brewing

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
Iran has begun aggressive war games.

Turkey—a supposed NATO ally—pledged publicly to send its troops to Gaza.

Putin has invited Hamas and Iran to Moscow for private talks.

The article practically lines up all the players in Eze 38-39 against Israel. It was an interesting read. My thought on this is Eze 38-39 won't be the result of this war between Hamas and Israel, but will follow at some point. We'll see, I guess.
My thought on this is Eze 38-39 won't be the result of this war between Hamas and Israel, but will follow at some point.
Agree, it most certainly has to follow. I guess this is setting it up. The view that E38 happens at the second Seal makes a lot of sense to me. White horseman brings peace, red horse war, given ability to take peace and make men slay one another. E38:21 says "every man's sword will be against his brother". But as you say, we'll see. For Gog to be "turned back" doesn't that mean he/it had to have been there before?

We're sitting on a powder keg, but the Restrainer still restrains, and it is all going to end well.

eta: another coincidence that is kind of funny I saw last week, the colors of all the Muslim country flags are the same as the 4 horsemen. Weird.