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Somali Al Qaeda Terrorist Illegally Invading US Was Freed and Headed to Minneapolis


Border vetting is mostly a joke. The odds of catching a terrorist sneaking across is at best a coin flip. Even when his name is in the database, he can illegally enter America and then be set loose to go on his merry way off to Minneapolis.

And however good any screening or vetting might be, it’s not going to amount to much during a full-fledged invasion where massive amounts of resources are being expended just to cope with the millions of illegal aliens streaming across and through.

As Jennie Taer reports via Alpha News.

The unnamed individual, who the memo only identifies as a member of the Somali terror group al-Shabaab, was released shortly after being caught illegally crossing the southern border near San Ysidro, California on March 13, 2023, according to the memo, which the DCNF is not publishing in order to protect the identity of a confidential source. The Terrorist Screening Center “deemed him a ‘mismatch’” after running his name through the terror watchlist, according to the memo, which was sent to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials.
However, on January 18, 2024, the Terrorist Screening Center “made a redetermination” that the individual was “a confirmed member of al-Shabaab” and was involved in the use, manufacture or transport of explosives or firearms, the memo states. Two days later, ICE nabbed the al-Shabaab member in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Al-Shabaab is an affiliate of Al Qaeda.


If we end up with a war within the USA after several battalions worth of enemy combatants were welcomed into our country by the current federal govmint, I won't be surprised at all.

We're not configured to fight that type of war... our focus has been on force projection around the world... which we do very well. It wouldn't take much for an enemy to capture a large number of our military bases/forts/installations.

No, I won't be surprised at all.
This administration's priority is to destroy this country and they are doing a first class job of it.

This comes from a meme and it's true....

I'm not saying they're intentionally
trying to shut down small businesses,
destroy the middle class, transfer the
majority of the wealth to the world's
largest corporations, and divide us
with fear and hatred. But if they were,
what would they be doing