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Smotrich says he 'didn't know' about the Nukhba forces before October 7

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich admitted he did not know about the existence of the Nukhba forces prior to October 7 in a National Education Conference with Makor Rishon on Thursday.

“There is a serious problem with the relationship between the military and the government; the government is constantly kept out of the loop,” he said.

“I didn't know there was such a thing as Nukhba before October 7, and I'm someone who always reads security cabinet materials - I didn't know a quarter of the infrastructure that exists in Lebanon for the Radwan force.”

Smotrich continued, “There are enormous information gaps; there is disobedience from the senior command in the IDF to the political echelon not once, not twice, and not three times."


A current authority problem in Israel is brewing. Who is to blame for Oct. 7th? Their left elites include the overlord judicial branch with their allies in upper military. Did they refuse to share advanced warnings and even delay the initial attacks on Oct. 7 with Netanyahu and his Likud party? Or, are the Likud and affiliated parties to blame, maybe they delayed in stopping the Hamas attack?

There is a lot on the line.
Brandon Holthous has regular contact with IDF and a lot of people in Israel and gets updated on what's going on there.
After the October 7th attack, a member of the IDF had said that they knew that an attack was coming at least two weeks before it happened and IDF soldiers warned those in the upper military command and the IDF soldiers were brushed off and they were told to keep quiet.
Brandon Holthous has regular contact with IDF and a lot of people in Israel and gets updated on what's going on there.
After the October 7th attack, a member of the IDF had said that they knew that an attack was coming at least two weeks before it happened and IDF soldiers warned those in the upper military command and the IDF soldiers were brushed off and they were told to keep quiet.
And, who didn’t inform Bibi or his joint ruling parties? Did the leftist judicial ‘never Bibi’ group so hate their own that they decided to allow a massacre so they might pin it on the Likud? on Netanyahu?

It’s coming to light. The Israel left judicial are currently forcing Netanyahu into a court schedule of about 30-hrs per week in testimony over bogus bribery charges. There was a reasonable objection that he’s busy running several war fronts, so can these old cases wait? The crazed judicials say no.

The power hungry judiciary, who are about to be exposed for neglect in warnings on Oct. 7, are desperate. They are forcing Netanyahu to attend court and threaten that if he can’t manage both court hearings (non essential) and multi front wars, he must be unfit for office.

The Israeli left are also frenzied because DJT is almost back in the saddle.