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Single Digit IQs and Reprobate Thinking :: By Rick Segoine

Andy C

Is there one nation on planet Earth that is not corrupt in one or more ways?

Is there one person of the anti-Semitic kind, one who blames the Jews for all of the problems in the world, whose own life is not riddled with sin and corruption?

Spiritually speaking, is there even one “woke” individual who isn’t fast asleep under a large rock? Asleep in a sleep so deep as to make Rip Van Winkle appear restless and plagued by insomnia?

George Orwell may or may not have known it when he wrote the book 1984, but he most certainly did a bang-up job of describing how thoughts are processed inside of reprobate human minds. Minds that no longer work properly. Minds that are broken. Seemingly broken beyond repair.
