Two shady elementary school teachers were booted from their Texas classroom after allegedly slapping special stickers containing melatonin on their students to keep them quiet.
The Northgate Crossing Elementary School educators are under police investigation after parents reported they allegedly gave their tiny tots a “sleeping sticker” during school hours that later impacted their moods at home, local outlets reported.
Lisa Luviano was alarmed after her 4-year-old child came home from school on Sept. 24 and showed her a blue sticker with a moon and stars that her teacher had given her for “sleeping time.”
The Northgate Crossing Elementary School educators are under police investigation after parents reported they allegedly gave their tiny tots a “sleeping sticker” during school hours that later impacted their moods at home, local outlets reported.
Lisa Luviano was alarmed after her 4-year-old child came home from school on Sept. 24 and showed her a blue sticker with a moon and stars that her teacher had given her for “sleeping time.”
Shady Texas teachers under investigation for giving preschoolers melatonin ‘sleeping stickers’ to ‘keep them quiet’
“They’re giving them drugs to make them sleep to keep them quiet.”