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Seven: Chapter One :: By Alice Childs

Andy C

Chapter One

Journal Entry: Friday, October 4, 2019

I think they did it! I think the crazy scumbags actually DID it! I can’t believe…hang on, let me calm myself down and get some perspective. Sorry, I actually said a swear word out loud but I won’t write it here. I don’t use language like that because my grandma hated such talk and would wash my mouth out with soap when I was little whenever I slipped up in front of her. My grandpa told me once that people who swore were usually too ignorant to speak anything worth hearing, so I’ll try to do better – to, you know, honor them. Still, if ever there was an exception to the no-swear rule, this would be it.

I’m going to try to slow down and get my mental bearings so I can try to make some sense of what I thinkhas happened. I’m not 100% sure I know yet, but I’m 95% there. If I’m right, then someone in the future (if there is even going to be a future) may want a firsthand, factual (well, as factual as I am able to determine) account of what has happened.

Okay, deep breath, try to calm down my trip-hammering heartbeat, and start over…

Happy.you brought the book back to us!

But, when I started reading the first installment, I was a bit shocked.

I think they did it! I think the crazy scumbags actually DID it! I can’t believe…hang on, let me calm myself down and get some perspective. Sorry, I actually said a swear word out loud but I won’t write it here.

For a moment, I thought it was you speaking.
Then I remembered, they were the first sentences of the book.
But you think it prudent to make that a bit more obvious for members that don't know the book?

And btw, am I missing a few chapters (7-8)?

Thanks again for sharing the book, Andy, it is worth reading!