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Settlement Reached in Mom's School Trans Case

Everlasting Life

By grace, through faith in Jesus
I think this may be a shot across the bow sort of case. A win in California like this will catch other school district's attention.


A California mother and daughter settled a case for $100,000 with a school district that allegedly tried to transition the girl's gender without the mother's consent.

Jessica Konen, who was represented by The Center for American Liberty, filed a lawsuit against the Spreckels Union School District in California after her daughter, a sixth-grader named Alicia, was recruited into an "Equality Club" and taught about bisexuality and transgender identity, and after the school took steps to help her conceal her identity as a boy, reported The Daily Caller.

"This is a huge win for Jessica and Alicia, and it's also a win for parents across the country," The Center for American Liberty said in a press release after the $100,000 settlement. "Increasingly, schools are pushing radical gender ideology on young students and socially transitioning vulnerable children — without parental notification or consent."....