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Sen. Johnson: “I’ve Seen Evidence that “There May Have Been TWO SHOOTERS” –

Senator Ron Johnson dropped several bombs on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.

Johnson told Bartiromo that the Secret Service blew off meetings that morning before the attempted assassination of President Trump.

The Secret Service also took photos of the killer Crooks an hour before the shooting of Trump!

And Senator Johnson also told Maria that he’s seen evidence that there may have been TWO SHOOTERS!


Flimsy evidence no doubt.

Lets see the the impacts of where the bullets hit.

It would be easy to hear where two separate weapons shot from unless they were shooting from the same spot, or close by.

I think too many are trying to turn this into the JFK shooting with lots of speculation, but not based on the forensics on the scene.
I agree with you Andy. But I'm curious how Corey Comparatore got hit in the head by a bullet when he was not in the line of fire. If you look at the placement of the roof where Crooks was shooting from, Corey was well to the left of the target area with quite a number of people between him and Trump. The only thing that I can think of that would account for it is bad trigger discipline, having your finger on the trigger while bringing the weapon to bear and accidentally squeezing off a shot before being on target.
There are a lot of speculations and theories floating around out there while some are trying to make sense out of what happened and others likely trying to hide what happened. The average person doesn't know what really happened and all we can do is watch and pay attention and remember that God always reveals hidden iniquities, so eventually the truth will be known.

"For My eyes are on all their ways; they are not hidden from My face, nor is their iniquity hidden from My eyes"
Jeremiah 16:17
It looks like a setup to get rid of Trump for good, but that backfired on them. Josh Hawley is saying he believes it was a setup and I am sure most people do as well. The judge Merchan in N.Y. was to sentence Trump on July 11th that was dropped because the Supreme Court dropped the charges against Trump on falsifying business records. Just 2 days later on the 13th he was shot on the ear almost killed. Also, they wanted to keep Trump from going to the Republican Convention from July 15th-18th. They have been after him since he became President in 2016. There are a lot of speculations on what happened when he was shot on July 13th. He was impeached twice which was another setup. The Russian Collusion was a delusion.
Flimsy evidence no doubt.

Lets see the the impacts of where the bullets hit.

It would be easy to hear where two separate weapons shot from unless they were shooting from the same spot, or close by.

I think too many are trying to turn this into the JFK shooting with lots of speculation, but not based on the forensics on the scene.
Yes, let's just ignore all of the illogical excuses and things that don't make any sense. There are two many to number but let's just use two examples. They did not have enough agents to cover everything? Yet, they had three agents in that building. They did not want to put agents on the slanted roof? Yet they had other agents on roofs more slanted and agents on the same roof after the shooting.

Yes, let's just believe the lying main media which has been proven to lie with the coverup of how bad of shape Biden was in. Yes, let's just wait for the powers to be who tried to kill Trump to tell us the truth as to what really happened. I am sure they would be more than happy to put their hand on the bible and be totally honest.

Yes the Kennedy assassination is a good example of our corrupt government. I was 11 years old at the time and even I knew Oswald did not kill Kennedy and the Government was involved. John Kennedy is killed, Oswald is killed, Ruby (who killed Oswald) dies in prison. Later Bobby Kennedy is also killed. How lucky for those who had a problem with all of them. Even John Kennedy Jr. dies in a suspicious plane crash when attempting to go into politics. All it takes is good logic and reasoning to see past the lies.

I stick by the old saying of "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me".

We should all be asking the secret service to prove they did not do it! 😡
Everyone can believe whatever they want.

I like facts, not speculation.

Some folks, not saying anyone on here, but some see a conspiracy in most every aspect of life.
I like facts also, but the facts have to make sense which so far they don't. The problem is the facts are most likely coming from the same ones who tried to assassinate Trump. The secret service has the ability to do what they will with any evidence. :noidea:
I recalled that immediately during the night and next morning after the assassination attempt, we heard many witnesses state things about a water tower shooter, etc. I have no idea what to believe/think but the way this rogue government has been and their livid state against Trump, nothing seems implausible. It's going to be a bumpy ride in the USA all the way to the rapture.....let alone just to Election Day.
I recalled that immediately during the night and next morning after the assassination attempt, we heard many witnesses state things about a water tower shooter, etc. I have no idea what to believe/think but the way this rogue government has been and their livid state against Trump, nothing seems implausible. It's going to be a bumpy ride in the USA all the way to the rapture.....let alone just to Election Day.

Totally agree.