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Scripture Must Have Final Say in All Things :: By Jonathan Brentner

Andy C

Years ago, Johnny Carson often played the role of “Carnac the Magnificent” on the Tonight Show. Ed McMahon would read three unrelated words or phrases to which Carson would reply with a question that put all three together in an unexpected and humorous way. I loved that part of the show.

Thinking far outside the box, how might Carnac have responded to “Roman Catholicism, justification, and Replacement Theology?” I do not have a clever or witty response that ties these three items together. However, I believe that, taken together, they lead us to a deeper understanding of what the Bible says about God’s future restoration of a kingdom for Israel.

Even though I was unaware of such a connection when I wrote my master’s thesis, Roman Catholic Justification in the Light of Scripture, it was the beginning of how the Lord connected the dots for me between Paul’s teaching on justification by faith and God’s promises to restore a kingdom to Israel.

God’s Decree of “Not Guilty” Over Us Can Never Be Reversed. Never!

The word “justification” signifies God’s legal declaration of “not guilty” to all those who call upon the Lord in saving faith. In Paul’s day, the term referred to a verdict of innocence in a courtroom setting. For us, the pronouncement signifies the exchanging of our sins for Jesus’ righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:21).

Once God declares the sinner righteous in His sight, that person will receive a glorious eternity (see Romans 8:29-30). Nothing whatsoever can stop the completion of our redemption once He declares us forever “not guilty.” It’s a done deal! God has declared you to be forever “not guilty” of all your sins, even those you have yet to commit.

The Bible also confirms that our justification happens at the moment of our regeneration: “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:1; see also Titus 3:4-7). What would be the point of Paul assuring us that it’s impossible for anyone or anything to overrule His pronouncement of our righteousness if it had not already happened? (Romans 8:31-39).
