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SCOTUS To Decide If Parents Can Reject LGBT Brainwashing For Their Children

On Jan. 17, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear Mahmoud v. Taylor, the case of three families against the Montgomery County Board of Education in Maryland: a Muslim family, a Roman Catholic family, and a mixed Roman Catholic–Ukrainian Orthodox family. This isn’t the start of a bad joke, but parents fighting to teach their children according to their sincerely held religious beliefs.

It all started in 2022 when Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) — the largest public school district in the state — approved a slate of queer-affirming storybooks for use in grades as low as kindergarten. The district promised parents the opportunity to review the books and the ability to opt their children out of those classes. Later in the school year, without explanation, MCPS reversed its policy, in spite of parental objections. The families filed suit, seeking a temporary injunction against the policy.

District and appellate courts denied the request. The appellate court ruled that, due to the scant evidence regarding how the picture books were being used, parents could not prove their children had been or were going to be coerced by the books. In the Supreme Court filing, however, the plaintiffs argued that “under the Fourth Circuit’s reasoning, parents cannot be heard until after the damage has been done to their children. But there is no unringing that bell — by then, innocence will be lost and beliefs undermined.”


The schools are there to teach subjects that children need to learn, not talk about the gay agenda. SCOTUS has no right deciding if parents can reject this. The children belong to the parents, and they have the right to what their children are being taught. Brainwashing :diablo: is perverting the minds of children. This should :tap: not be.
The schools are there to teach subjects that children need to learn, not talk about the gay agenda. SCOTUS has no right deciding if parents can reject this. The children belong to the parents, and they have the right to what their children are being taught. Brainwashing :diablo: is perverting the minds of children. This should :tap: not be.
I agree 💯
What's happened is that the left took it upon themselves to say that the children belong to them when in school. Pure insanity and goes against everything God designed in the family unit.
Also I remember Hilary Clinton comments on this......

Mrs. Clinton worked on, titled “Protection of Children’s Rights,” it reads “it has become necessary for society to make some piecemeal accommodations to prevent parents from denying children certain privileges that society wants them to have.”

The chapter goes on to explain that some of these “privileges” should be allowing children to consult doctors for pregnancy and drug-related issues without parental consent, and prevent schools from expelling or suspending disruptive students. It’s most outrageous claim, however, is the adoption of a “public advocate,” who are people that can speak to children’s issues, upending the parents’ wishes.

“In a simpler world, parents were the only advocates for children. This is no longer true. In a complex society where invisible decision makers affect children’s lives profoundly, both children and parents need canny advocates. What if all parents made relatively small financial contributions to such a cause? It would provide a politically insulated fund for lawyers, ombudsmen, agency monitors, and even attempts at legislative reform.”

What would this new class of Americans do? Well, they’d look after our children, of course........

Complete Article
