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Santa Claus Comes Early for the Swamp: McConnell, Schumer Publicly Back Speaker Johnson’s Government Funding Plan

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
The House is under new management but is operating under business as usual as it prepares to pass a continuing resolution (CR) that once again extends spending levels and policies pushed through by then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) in last December’s lame duck session.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) took to the Senate floor Monday afternoon to say he is “pleased” with Speaker Johnson for choosing not to pursue spending cuts or policy riders in the spending package, indicating he would support the approach.

“We got nothing,” Roy said.

Speaker Johnson “continues to perpetuate the very system my constituents sent me here to oppose,” he said. “They don’t want me to continue spending money we don’t have at $1.6 trillion spending levels, Pelosi’s spending levels, Pelosi’s spending policies and priorities.”

Where the rubber meets the road, the new speaker appears to be one of the Beltway's "good old boys"... :(
Not shocking, then again, there is limited options when your party only controls the House, with the dems controlling the Senate and WH. Plus, the GOP House is unmanageable as its shown to be for the last decade or so. Too many “whats in if for me”, along with “its all about me” representatives. I bet if the GOP members took a vote on what day it is, many of them would not agree or concede its Tuesday…..