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San Diego Sheriff Rejects County’s New Sanctuary Policy


On Tuesday, San Diego County Sheriff Kelly A. Martinez announced that her office will not abide by a new sanctuary policy adopted by the Southern California county’s Board of Supervisors. The latest sanctuary policy limits cooperation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers by prohibiting county law enforcement officers from granting ICE agents access to individuals or using County facilities for investigative interviews.

Sheriff Martinez issued a statement within hours of the passage of the strengthened sanctuary city policy indicating the board of supervisors that made clear her position on the matter. Martinez indicated she would comply with a current state law that allows cooperation with federal immigration authorities when serious crimes have been alleged against migrants who may be removable from the United States and would not adopt the increased restrictions contained in the new policy.
I don’t understand how in the world that those who keep promising to “keep their illegals” by becoming “sanctuary cities/states,” can believe this will fly after January 20. There are days, like today, when it seems too far away.

My main problem, besides ILLEGALS (not migrants!) already breaking the law by simply getting in the US, is:

1. How in the world are these “sanctuary places” planning on keeping these ILLEGALS where they are only authorized to be??
2. Since this is a federal mandate (will be), states don’t have the right to keep ILLEGALS in the first place, right?
3. Do these idjit not realize that every criminal who commits further crime will flock to their locales (if they get their way) and further endanger the very citizens
that they’re sworn to protect? Or do they just not care because they know that they are counting on them being able to move anywhere they want?

This entire issue is a disaster waiting to happen. The last thing I heard was that Newsome was planning to just ignore Trump (and Homan) and do “things his way.” This is from Newsweek, today, stating that California is to become a “super sanctuary state.” California's "super sanctuary" refuses to help ICE with mass deportations

Just this past July 2024, “Government whistleblowers and Republican lawmakers blasted President Joe Biden and senior officials across the government for refusing to cooperate with a Senate investigation into the whereabouts of as many as 500,000 unaccompanied migrant children who have been apprehended at the southern border under Biden.” 500,000?! How disgusting is that? Who knows how many of those involved here are pushing for “sanctuary whatever’s” are involved with this?

Is it me or are they crazy?
2. Since this is a federal mandate (will be), states don’t have the right to keep ILLEGALS in the first place, right?

No, they don't have the authority to create a place that is "safe" for illegals to be. In fact, the act of doing so falls under Federal criminal laws meaning a lot of people need to go to jail for their crimes if we're to return this country to a country of rule of law.