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Sacramento City Attorney Threatens Target with Criminal Charges if They Continue to Call Police For Theft Incidents

Meanwhile in the Democrat hellhole of California…
The Sacramento City Attorney’s office threatened Target with public nuisance criminal charges and fines if they continued to call the police for theft incidents, The Sacramento Bee reported.
The Sac Bee reported that the City Attorney threatened the Target retail store at 2505 Riverside Blvd. in Land Park this year.

Democrat state lawmakers shockingly added an amendment to a retail theft bill that bars prosecutors from making these types of threats to businesses.

Fox News reported:

The City of Sacramento, California’s legal department threatened to fine a popular retail store for public nuisance over numerous calls to police after thieves stole from its Land Park location multiple times, according to a report.
The Sacramento Bee reported that a person with knowledge of the warning, who wanted to remain anonymous out of fear they could be retaliated against, said Sacramento officials warned they would issue an administrative fine to the Target at 2505 Riverside Blvd. in Land Park, during the past year.
A police spokesperson confirmed the location to the publication after being asked about the alleged warning.
After learning about the city’s warning and comparable actions across the state, state lawmakers added an amendment to a retail theft bill, outlawing these types of threats toward businesses from authorities.


If I was a CEO or board member for a retail chain, I would work to get the company out of the west coast states and a few other states as well.
Many businesses are doing just that. There's been a mass Exodus of businesses that have left California to other states. Even some from Silicone Valley have relocated to other states. California is in a major crisis in the economy over this.
I see California falling before too long.