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Russia Says it Scrambled Fighter Jets to Intercept U.S. Bombers Near Border

(AP) — Russia said Sunday it scrambled fighter jets to intercept two U.S. military long-range bomber aircraft that approached the Russian border over the Barents Sea in the Arctic.
“The crews of the Russian fighters identified the aerial target as a pair of U.S. Air Force B-52H strategic bombers,” Moscow’s defense ministry wrote on the social media platform Telegram, specifying that the planes scrambled were MiG-29 and MiG-31 fighters.

“As the Russian fighters approached, the U.S. strategic bombers turned away from the State Border of the Russian Federation,” the ministry said.
The U.S. routinely carries out flights over international waters. Moscow has recently responded more aggressively to the exercises, accusing the U.S. in June of using its reconnaissance drone flights over neutral waters in the Black Sea to help Ukraine strike Russian-occupied Crimea.


It was a routine incident. It just doesn't usually end up as news.
Possible, but these days "routine" can fall under the same definition of "normal", and normal isn't normal anymore.
The geopolitical stage is much different than it used to be.
The nations are all at the edge of their seats not knowing what provocation will set off another global war.
Could happen before the rapture, could happen after.
We just don't know.
But we know how everything will end according to The Will of God.
Any read the book, 'The Last Sentry' by Gregory Young and Nate Baden? It is the true story of what the movie, 'Hunt for Red October' was about.

Also, the novel 'The Bedford Incident' deals with same subject. It too was made a movie.

Great books and movies, with a now also, pertinent subject.

What would be routine for the military of the US to fly over near the borders of Russian interests would still be looked at as provocation by Russia because of the US supporting Ukraine with missiles recently after Russia warning the US not to and that has made Russia feel that the US is a threat to them. Russia is in a protective mode right now with NATO countries and doesn't trust them over the Ukraine involvement.
What would be routine for the military of the US to fly over near the borders of Russian interests would still be looked at as provocation by Russia because of the US supporting Ukraine with missiles recently after Russia warning the US not to and that has made Russia feel that the US is a threat to them. Russia is in a protective mode right now with NATO countries and doesn't trust them over the Ukraine involvement.
So? They do it to us.
It would only become a real issues if they or we accidentally strayed to close to their borders, and violate their legitimate air space. That can get a Jet shot down with no questions asked.

The intent is 'to' provoke. So I don't know why it would be called an accident.

The U.S. and Russia know full well what may occur when they 'accidentally get to close'.

The intent on the U.S. part, the present administration, is to draw us fully into the war. Which is probably Russia's intent also. Which America should be concerned over.

Remember Fort Sumter? Remember the Maine? Remember Pearl Harbor?

The intent is 'to' provoke. So I don't know why it would be called an accident.

The U.S. and Russia know full well what may occur when they 'accidentally get to close'.

The intent on the U.S. part, the present administration, is to draw us fully into the war. Which is probably Russia's intent also. Which America should be concerned over.

Remember Fort Sumter? Remember the Maine? Remember Pearl Harbor?

Countries all the time fly close to borders or have ships come close. An accident would be if a pilot or ships captain violate the countries legitimate space. Even with all the advanced tracking/GPS, and other classified hardware that the jets fly with, there is still such a thing as pilot error.
From the article

The U.S. routinely carries out flights over international waters. Moscow has recently responded more aggressively to the exercises, accusing the U.S. in June of using its reconnaissance drone flights over neutral waters in the Black Sea to help Ukraine strike Russian-occupied Crimea.

This is what had me comment as I did.
Countries all the time fly close to borders or have ships come close. An accident would be if a pilot or ships captain violate the countries legitimate space. Even with all the advanced tracking/GPS, and other classified hardware that the jets fly with, there is still such a thing as pilot error.

Remember Fort Sumter? Remember the Maine? Remember Pearl Harbor?

The U.S. has a very questionable history of provoking war by getting the other side to attack them first. In war that is what you want...the moral high ground.

So, Fort Sumter is one of those events, as was the sinking of the Maine, as was Pearl Harbor.

Thus these are relevant to the provocative flights that could result in a fatal incident. On both sides, U.S. and Russia. Which to me, doesn't make them accidents. It is expected.

My POV is Canadian. The Russians routinely do this to us and we usually try to respond although under Trudeau it's more like a welcome mat than a "please go home now" message.

We border Alaska and between the two of us we do have a chunk of Arctic Sea bed with mineral wealth that Russia will lay claim to if it's not protected. They eyeball us, we eyeball them.

I grew up in the Yukon during the Cuban Missile Crisis and NORAD was and I suppose still is a big deal up there.

Sometimes it gets a little more testy and cranky than it needs to be, but borders need protecting and both sides are always testing to see if there are weaknesses or opportunities. Because in the end both sides are sworn to protect their territory. A weakness might mean life or death in a nuclear exchange.

Something the globalists want to stop.

Which is why the provocation is dialed up.

The globalists in Washington don't really care if Russia feels extra crabby and paranoid, they do want to provoke war to eliminate both Russia and America as impediments to globalization. It's why the globalists in Washington want open borders and fly illegal migrants in when the borders get in their way too much.

It's why they've wanted the fight between Russia and America over Ukraine. It's why they don't want Trump to win.

Their end game: Remove Russia from the big players, remove America same, create a global bureaucracy that nobody can escape from to anywhere. Depopulation, universal misery with the ultra rich at the top of this giant pyramid scheme. Satan sits at the top doing his usual thing.
(AP) — Russia said Sunday it scrambled fighter jets to intercept two U.S. military long-range bomber aircraft that approached the Russian border over the Barents Sea in the Arctic.
“The crews of the Russian fighters identified the aerial target as a pair of U.S. Air Force B-52H strategic bombers,” Moscow’s defense ministry wrote on the social media platform Telegram, specifying that the planes scrambled were MiG-29 and MiG-31 fighters.

“As the Russian fighters approached, the U.S. strategic bombers turned away from the State Border of the Russian Federation,” the ministry said.
The U.S. routinely carries out flights over international waters. Moscow has recently responded more aggressively to the exercises, accusing the U.S. in June of using its reconnaissance drone flights over neutral waters in the Black Sea to help Ukraine strike Russian-occupied Crimea.


Wonder why not MIG35 and SU35 . . . much more capable fighters and significantly heavier payloads
Maybe USSR lied and they were [sigh]
Or maybe what they have are "busy" :lol: