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Russia Increases Oil Processing, Weapons Production; Claims Biden Is Destroying the Dollar


On December 25, news outlet Bloomberg reported that oil processing had increased in Russia, soaring in the previous week to achieve close to the highest daily refining runs in more than eight months.

Citing sources, Bloomberg indicated that Russia’s refineries processed around 5.65 million barrels of crude daily from December 14 to 20. The figure was down by around 50,000 barrels per day (bpd) from the previous seven days, when average daily refinery runs attained the highest since early April.

Bloomberg calculations revealed that Russian daily crude refining in the first 20 days of December averaged around 5.57 million bpd, up almost 60,000 bpd for most of November.

Meanwhile, tanker-tracking data reportedly depicted Russia’s daily overseas crude supplies in the global market falling to 3.18 million bpd in the week to December 17 owing to a temporary halt in shipments from the Baltic Port of Primorsk. “Still, the less volatile four-week average increased by 80,000 barrels a day,” Bloomberg added.


Russia...claims Biden is destroying the dollar.

They are correct. Outdated economic theory, destructive policies, and a 19th/20th century world view are doing just that. Thanks to this current administration, in fewer than four years the world no longer regards America as a mighty eagle, but increasingly as a paper tiger. For the first time in almost a century the peace and the security of the entire world is in grave peril, absent the peacekeeping power of the United States. The Marxists running America at this moment have nearly entirely achieved their goal.