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Robo-Doc: World’s First AI hospital Unveiled In China

The world’s first AI hospital where robot doctors can treat 3,000 patients a day has been unveiled in China.

Dubbed “Agent Hospital”, the virtual facility will have the potential to save “millions” through its autonomous interaction.

Developed by researchers from Tsinghua University in Beijing, the AI hospital is so advanced that it already aims to be operational by the second half of 2024.

Six months of research and development means the hospital is nearing readiness for practical application, where it is set to transform the way doctors diagnose and treat patients.


Terrifying new frontier in medicine.

Giving AI (who is routinely caught saying things about killing people off when it gets out in chat formats) the ability to make complex medical decisions about prescribing and treating illness or recommending surgery simply makes it easier for AI to quietly eliminate any number of people it considers useless.

That may even be part of the programming. Canada's use of medical assisted suicide, doesn't even have AI in the decision loop, and it's known for killing off patients that become too expensive or troublesome to continue to care for.

China routinely imprisons people with religious ideas that conflict with China's leaders, and they have no problem turning them into slaves or involuntary organ donors who give their lives to enrich China's organs for sale program.

Sensible Chinese would probably prefer to take their chances, than allow this monster to take care of them.