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RFK Jr. Chooses Democracy Over Democrats by Daniel Greenfield

Almost Heaven

Democracy,” RFK Jr said, had become “little more than a slogan ” for the Democratic Party. “In the name of saving democracy, a Democratic Party set itself to dismantle it,” he charged, describing constant legal battles by the DNC to keep him off and force him off state ballots.

Similar stories had been previously told by No Labels, a Democratic organization which had sought to field an alternative bipartisan ticket, and by Rep. Dean Philips: Biden’s actual primary opponent, as well as any Democrats or third party candidates who had challenged Biden.

RFK Jr then went on to describe a rigged “sham primary” for Biden followed by a “palace coup” for Kamala and the installation of a “candidate who was so unpopular with voters that she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single delegate” who “has not appeared in a single interview or an unscripted encounter with voters for 35 days. This is profoundly undemocratic.”

The former candidate compared the actions of the Democrats to that of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin in trying to keep him off the ballot and off the air with the media maintaining “a near-perfect embargo on interviews with me” and government agencies partnering with Big Tech firms to suppress him on social media in which a federal judge recently described as “the most egregious violation of the First Amendment in the history of the United States of America.”
I do not usually comment or post much on politics. However I think the whole article above is worth a read. I just posted a small piece.
It is good to hear that RFK Jr is not a person who sticks to a party that has bad policies like the Dem's do. It shouldn't be all about the party should be what they stand for their policies. It would be great to see more Democrats break away from their parties platform, and vote for the Republicans which stand for good issues.
I usually give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove me wrong. In RFK's case, however, since he's coming from the demonrat party, he'll have to go above and beyond to prove himself a patriot first before I'll trust him even a little bit.
RFK Jr actually switched from the Democrat party, and was running as an Independent. The Dem's didn't like some of his issues so he switched to Independent. Another person who dropped out of the Dem party is Dennis Manchin and went to Independent. Manchin Registers As Independent | U.S. Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia
RFK Jr actually switched from the Democrat party, and was running as an Independent.

Did he do that because he didn't want to be a part of the demonrat party or because he wanted to run for President and they were making it pretty much impossible for another demonrat to run against diben?

Is he joining up with Trump because deep down RFK is a patriot first or is he joining up with Trump to spite the demonrats who wouldn't let him run against diben as a demonrat in the primaries?

Or maybe, like most politicians might do, is he joining up with Trump because he figures that's the most likely way he can further his own political aspirations?

He'll definitely have to go above and beyond before I'll trust him even a little bit. I hope Trump makes wiser choices this time with who he surrounds himself with.
Did he do that because he didn't want to be a part of the demonrat party or because he wanted to run for President and they were making it pretty much impossible for another demonrat to run against diben?

Is he joining up with Trump because deep down RFK is a patriot first or is he joining up with Trump to spite the demonrats who wouldn't let him run against diben as a demonrat in the primaries?

Or maybe, like most politicians might do, is he joining up with Trump because he figures that's the mostly likely way he can further his own political asperations?

He'll definitely have to go above and beyond before I'll trust him even a little bit. I hope Trump makes wiser choices this time with who he surrounds himself with.
I don't know what his motives are, but hopefully any who would have voted for him as President will give their votes to Trump. He definitely didn't like the way the Dem's treated him. If Trump wins, it will be interesting to see who he puts in his cabinet.
Or maybe, like most politicians might do, is he joining up with Trump because he figures that's the mostly likely way he can further his own political asperations?
Trump promised him some position in his Administration. He went on about it in a speech the other day. He was saying they could get together for a "Unity party."

Beyond that, I don't know his ultimate motives.

RFK is no conservative, you can be sure of that. But then when it comes to social issues, neither is Trump.

I think RFK is sincere in his liberal beliefs. I don't think he wants to 'hurt' America, but he is still not conservative.
Trump promised him some position in his Administration. He went on about it in a speech the other day. He was saying they could get together for a "Unity party."

Beyond that, I don't know his ultimate motives.

RFK is no conservative, you can be sure of that. But then when it comes to social issues, neither is Trump.

I think RFK is sincere in his liberal beliefs. I don't think he wants to 'hurt' America, but he is still not conservative.
I was thinking Trump would give him a position in his Administration. I wonder what it will be? I wouldn't be surprised if Tim Scott does too.
I was thinking Trump would give him a position in his Administration. I wonder what it will be?
I didn't hear but at that presser he was mostly talking about the dangers/fallout of those covid vaccines and the harm that the FDA has done to our foods and the danger it poses to future generations. So maybe something along those lines.
I saw a headline the other day that RFK's campaign wanted Trump to admit the 'warp speed' was a mistake.
I didn't hear but at that presser he was mostly talking about the dangers/fallout of those covid vaccines and the harm that the FDA has done to our foods and the danger it poses to future generations. So maybe something along those lines.
I saw a headline the other day that RFK's campaign wanted Trump to admit the 'warp speed' was a mistake.
The warp speed definitely was a mistake, and Trump listened to Fauci as in flip flop. We have found out after people got the shots a lot have died, and the shots are not safe. The CDC is at fault in all this also. This is election year and we are hearing about them promoting monkeypox vaccines. Do they really think people trust this time?
I saw a headline the other day that RFK's campaign wanted Trump to admit the 'warp speed' was a mistake.

I don't think warp speed was a mistake. The results just happened to turn out not to be too good, but at the time, knowing what little was known then, not realizing the whole thing was planned, Warp Speed was a good idea.

I still wonder how many actually died from COVID back then and how many died from malpractice or other medical issues. I think the majority who died in hospitals during that time died from malpractice.
I don't think warp speed was a mistake. The results just happened to turn out not to be too good, but at the time, knowing what little was known then, not realizing the whole thing was planned, Warp Speed was a good idea.

I still wonder how many actually died from COVID back then and how many died from malpractice or other medical issues. I think the majority who died in hospitals during that time was from malpractice.
I think the majority that died had co-morbidity issues and the ventilators were not used properly.