Matthew 11:28-30 says this: NKJV
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Thinking about rest again today. Did too much yesterday, it was fun to get 'er done but I'm paying for it a bit today.
God ordained 1 day out of 7 for the Sabbath Rest.
He designed us to work best with 8 hours out of the 24 spent in sleep.
Jesus goes aside to be with His Father and ours to rest. Rest isn't just sleep.
Mary is commended for the better part when she puts Jesus first while Martha is left trying to juggle all the balls in the air to entertain and provide for the guests. Jesus didn't rebuke Martha but He points out her priorities are backwards.
Our culture promotes work over rest- joking about I can rest when I die, or admiring someone who gets it all done regardless of what it might do to health over time. Want something done, ask a busy person. Some people are born with lower sleep needs and higher energy levels, and our culture prizes that.
Something they taught us in nursing training, was the importance of taking our breaks. We work more efficiently when we are rested, when we take breaks. They are in fact an essential tool to productive accurate work. Of course the rotating shift schedule completely ignored sleep needs and pulling a double shift was required at times. The hospital admin would refuse to honour a scheduled time off and demand attendance regardless of childcare requirements, broken sleep schedules, the sheer hours put in in the last few days. Mixed messages at best.
But they were right about the need to rest, to allow our brains time for sleep and down time in order to process what is going on.
God knew all of this ahead of time and He made one of the 10 commandments about a Sabbath Rest. Jesus makes a point of going aside to be with His Father, and commends Mary's priorities.
We are designed to require rest, and time with God. Just as important as sleep, is the time set aside to study His word. It will always pay off in better performance in daily work tasks, but that isn't the point of rest. We don't rest alone with God to be productive, but to spend time with Him.
It's a little counter culture but I'm going with Jesus on this one. Rest.
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
Thinking about rest again today. Did too much yesterday, it was fun to get 'er done but I'm paying for it a bit today.
God ordained 1 day out of 7 for the Sabbath Rest.
He designed us to work best with 8 hours out of the 24 spent in sleep.
Jesus goes aside to be with His Father and ours to rest. Rest isn't just sleep.
Mary is commended for the better part when she puts Jesus first while Martha is left trying to juggle all the balls in the air to entertain and provide for the guests. Jesus didn't rebuke Martha but He points out her priorities are backwards.
Our culture promotes work over rest- joking about I can rest when I die, or admiring someone who gets it all done regardless of what it might do to health over time. Want something done, ask a busy person. Some people are born with lower sleep needs and higher energy levels, and our culture prizes that.
Something they taught us in nursing training, was the importance of taking our breaks. We work more efficiently when we are rested, when we take breaks. They are in fact an essential tool to productive accurate work. Of course the rotating shift schedule completely ignored sleep needs and pulling a double shift was required at times. The hospital admin would refuse to honour a scheduled time off and demand attendance regardless of childcare requirements, broken sleep schedules, the sheer hours put in in the last few days. Mixed messages at best.
But they were right about the need to rest, to allow our brains time for sleep and down time in order to process what is going on.
God knew all of this ahead of time and He made one of the 10 commandments about a Sabbath Rest. Jesus makes a point of going aside to be with His Father, and commends Mary's priorities.
We are designed to require rest, and time with God. Just as important as sleep, is the time set aside to study His word. It will always pay off in better performance in daily work tasks, but that isn't the point of rest. We don't rest alone with God to be productive, but to spend time with Him.
It's a little counter culture but I'm going with Jesus on this one. Rest.