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Reaching Catholics for Christ.


Charter member
Catholics are indoctrinated from an early age, and a barrier to biblical truth is carefully erected in their minds. Catholics are taught that everything that comes from Rome takes precedence over the Bible. “If the Pope says it, it must be true” is a cultivated mindset. Unfortunately, Catholics are not taught to think for themselves, and many do not know why they believe what they do. Many Catholics have no concept of what is written in the Bible, other than the two or three passages that are read during Mass.
I don’t believe we should take Catholicism head on, Paul addressed the Athenian mythology of the Unknown god and the statue erected to the god head on.
For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you.

But Paul repented of this in 1 Corinthians 22 he judges himself to not speaking more perfectly.

For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. 1 Corinthians 2:
Paul decided to not know about idols or their vain religion only Christ is of any value when it comes to salvation.

He learned not t attack religion, but to present Jesus sacrificed for sins.
If we address religion the person we are trying to lead to Christ will become offensive and shut you down. I learned by my errors and never addressed Catholicism with my brother again.
We must build on no other foundation but Christ.

But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon. 11 No other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 3:11
I grew up a catholic and didn't know the Bible was the Word of GOD. Snippets of the Word are read at every mass, but the emphasis is more on what the priest says. Catholics are never led to understand and embrace that the Word is GOD. When someone gave me a Bible I really didn't know what they were giving me. The first time I cracked open that book I found and surrendered my life to Jesus. Thankyou, Jesus!

Those in my family who are religious and catholic tolerate me. One brother who does not believe in God at all is in no worse shape when it comes to his eternity.
I grew up a catholic and didn't know the Bible was the Word of GOD. Snippets of the Word are read at every mass, but the emphasis is more on what the priest says. Catholics are never led to understand and embrace that the Word is GOD. When someone gave me a Bible I really didn't know what they were giving me. The first time I cracked open that book I found and surrendered my life to Jesus. Thankyou, Jesus!

Those in my family who are religious and catholic tolerate me. One brother who does not believe in God at all is in no worse shape when it comes to his eternity.
Thank you, O God, for giving me TT as a bother to love eternally. 🙂
The priest cannot absolve anyone of their sins. There is only one mediator between God and man Jesus. It isn't about religion, but a relationship with Jesus. A person needs to admit they are a sinner in need of a Savior, and believe Jesus Is God. Call upon his name to save them, and he will forgive their sins.
I first came across Mike Gendron in the mid to late '90s. He is a formerly devout Roman Catholic who got saved at a Roman Catholic seminary while reading the Bible as part of his studies to become an RCC priest. His is a superbly sound and well-balanced ministry to Roman Catholics. I recommend him.