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Proposal banning homeless encampments in San Diego to be considered: We are not a 'giant toilet'

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Proposal banning homeless encampments in San Diego to be considered: We are not a 'giant toilet'​

From FoxNews:

City council members in San Diego are considering a proposal to ban homeless encampments from public property amid years-long frustration over the city's mounting homelessness crisis.

The City Council is expected to debate the proposal, submitted by City councilman Stephen Whitburn, on Tuesday, FOX5 San Diego reported. The proposal seeks to prohibit homeless people from camping on public property if shelter options are available. Camping in certain areas, like public parks and near schools, would be prohibited regardless of whether shelters had availability.

The plan has received support from San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria, who emphasized the need for safe and "hygienic" sidewalks, parks and canyons in a string of press conferences ahead of the vote this week.

I'm walking distance from a small encampment. So far, they're not strewing trash, etc. and they're using a porta-potty in the park, potable water fountains, and a publicly-accessible restroom in a nearby strip mall. However, some less considerate homeless had moved in and had to be removed by police, including using a helicopter, so expensive, and the problem was just moved elsewhere, instead of being fixed. Pretty much every place here, improper disposal of garbage, trash, and human/animal waste presents a giant problem because of surface, subsurface, and groundwater and the interconnectedness of the lakes, streams, wetlands, rivers, etc.

There are a couple of abandoned, blighted industrial sites not far from here that have sufficient on-site infrastructure for clean water, power, gas, and waste disposal that would support multiple thousands if the required and promised clean-up/remediation was done. Sadly, funding has been in place for years, but TPTB have just sat sat sat sat sat sat sat on it :mad: If homeless had one or two large sites to set up in, needed services and infrastructure could be provided, and those, who are actually trying to get off the street, would have access to help to do so. Those not trying would also have access to help to minimize harm to themselves and others. When this type of thing is done, and the homeless in the new encampments are given absolute preference in hiring for the jobs and volunteer positions that are necessarily created, including the pre-establishment remediation, planning, and organization jobs, good things tend to happen faster, and bad things tend to diminish. Self-help and self-reliance instead of outsiders "doing unto" provide a sense of dignity and worth that goes a long way. Add church involvement and stir :)

FWIW, at least a couple of the sites I know about would be accessible at an outer perimeter stop by mass transit if the buses on the closest route to each were routed one or two blocks over for a distance of two or three blocks. The areas are already securely fenced, alarmed, etc. so outsiders couldn't just wander in, and on-site security for residents would be a lot easier and better. There are other similar sites in other parts of Twin Cities Metro, as well.
I am interested in what is driving this? Need to understand that to even begin to fix it. Is it drugs fueling mental illness issues? satanic issues? Why more in these days than before?
Part of it is high rents in many places; when your average 1 bedroom goes for 1500 or more and most jobs out there now are part-time and paying around 12-15 dollars an hour, that doesn't leave much left in the tank for utilities, transportation and whatnot.
I am interested in what is driving this? Need to understand that to even begin to fix it. Is it drugs fueling mental illness issues? satanic issues? Why more in these days than before?
Part of the problem is that minimum wage jobs don't pay anywhere near enough for people to live on. Part of the problem is in the Midwest, where so many industries have shut down, parents with too much time on their hands and no employment prospects abandoned their kids for grandparents to raise. Still no prospects, too much time on their hands and too much drugs, and the growing grandkids fall down the same trap. Women raising kids with no father is also a huge part of the problem. I have seen that situation in action. Mother has multiple kids with two or more fathers, none of whom are anywhere around. Mother gets lonely, hooks up with some guy. He announces he is now "Dad", and his rule is "law". He lasts for a few months then leaves; multiply that several times over as the years go by... Some sick men choose a girlfriend for her child with intent of sexual abuse. In other cases, the mother suffers a nervous breakdown with kids for a captive audience. Then there are the type of females who participate in prostitution, either in the "management" side or the "worker" side. I had a neighbor suggest her 13 year old daughter be a prostitute since she wanted money for something. Said mother was in love with a pimp (not returned by him). Then there are the boys whose mothers love them until they are no longer cute and cuddly -- somewhere between ages about 6-7 on up depending on the situation.

There is a plague of drugs in this country that I personally consider genocide. Fentanil is absolutely everywhere now, it's horrific! They even make it to look like candy, hoping to lure in pre-teens. There is a collapse of morals as well as a collapse of hope for a gainfully employed future. Homeless people gravitate to the big citied because it's easier to find resources. In many Liberal cities, tents and stuff are provided to make the homeless experience as comfortable as possible. Given the overwhelming numbers these days, that's probably wise; otherwise the homeless would have to find some sort of shelter, and not many fit under any given bridge.

Given the collapse of the family and the economic hopelessness, who can blame them for being "mentally ill". That has become a catch all excuse for destroying people from the inside. I think many of these people are more heartsick than mentally ill. This is beyond heartbreaking, because even if we could reach them with the Gospel, what are they supposed to do for a living? When it gets real, there are no evident answers, and the despair feeds the destruction.
I am interested in what is driving this? Need to understand that to even begin to fix it. Is it drugs fueling mental illness issues? satanic issues? Why more in these days than before?

Lack of the Bible.
Lack of the Church being salt and light and engaging in the Great Commission, and instead becoming PC. As Jerry Falwell said, you can be JC or PC, but not both.
Lack of the Church ensuring The Gospel goes in with social ministry
Lack of Pastors exercising Pastoral leadership inside AND outside the Church and failing to stand up for what is right instead of caving in to PC.
Social zeitgeist driving the Church, instead of the Church leading society. Good being called bad and bad being called good.
Lack of Church discipline with real consequences instead of PC
Lack of parents bringing their children up IAW the Bible and in the church.
Drug epidemic, fueled by BigPHARMA opioids/opiates, then abusers migrating to heroin and fentanyl when prescriptions stopped instead of weaning.
Lack of schools and parents teaching self-reliance and strong work ethics (homework, chores, etc.).

Able-bodied sitting on butts and collecting tax money via programs, etc. and draining resources, instead of working, or at least volunteering, and building/contributing resources for the collective good.
Social services systems structured to trap people in poverty (notably Section 8), encourage out-of-wedlock births (increasing benefits for additional children), and fail to help mentally ill, who often don't understand they're sick and need help.

Corrupt criminal justice system that warehouses, brutalizes, and fails to rehabilitate and set people up for success upon release.

Greedy/corrupt developers and government officials causing affordable, single-family housing, to be torn out and replaced with multiple family housing, from which only the developers, apartment owners, and property management companies make a profit, and the government, which collects more taxes than it did from single family homeowners.

Increasing rental and decreasing homeownership rates. Blocking upward mobility by removing starter and other modestly priced houses. This also has the effect of making seniors and elderly very housing-insecure, just from inflation. Rent is almost always a lot more expensive than a mortgage, and there's no return (equity) on rent. Here, there's added pressure on housing stock because of the huge number of refugees and immigrants, for whom the refugee and immigration services purchase and rent available housing. Owners often prefer institutional rent-payers because there are deep pockets available for higher rents and almost-always enforceable recourse if tenants damage the property.

Higher rental rates and lower ownership rates destabilize neighborhoods, reduce cohesion, increase crime, and over time reduce property values from only maintaining instead of improving property. Lack of yards reduces trees and other plants for aesthetics, atmospheric scrubbing, water filtration, shade, prevention of erosion, etc. Lack of yards reduces the number of people who are able to grow at least part of their own food, which increases dependence on, and demand-side pressure on groceries, which increases prices.

Rent opens people's residences to government intrusion via "code inspection."
Property managers and owners of multifamily housing can limit/eliminate gun ownership by making their properties gun-free zones/properties. Ditto dogs and cats.

Renting instead of owning necessitates people having roommates or working multiple jobs, both of which reduce quality of life and increase stress. Increased stress contributes to more substance abuse, mental illness, and violence, all of which eventually cause eviction and provide excuses for government legislation and control.

As the number of homeless, mentally ill, and substance abusers increases, the availability and quality of services decreases due to supply and demand. Ditto utilities and infrastructure.

There's a lot more . . . I could write a book . . .

Persecution of the Church, and thus strengthening and emboldening it to do what it should be, would go a long way to fixing today's spiritual apostasy and apathy, moral bankruptcy, and social, economic, etc. problems. Same pattern as been for the last 2000 years.

God warned against apartment-style living:

8 Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth!
Isaiah 5:8, KJV

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen:
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