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Prophecy Update with Tom Hughes and David Tal video

He loves his "balagans" , i loved how he explained how God is truth and how people choosing their own truths are essentially sort of declaring themselves as God.

I like David's straight forward unique perspectives just like Avi Lipkin's
It was also crazy how he was explaining that Israel were sort of like the gatekeepers for western culture and values and if they did nothing or somehow were to lose to their enemies, then essentially it would be the end of our rights because Islam etc would be enforced upon us
I'd have to try and go back and find the video where Bill Koenig said that the Hamas war would attack Israel back on an old interview he did in September but Tom Hughes was doing a video with Bill a couple of days ago where Bill is of the opinion that because Netanyahu was gleefully gloating about finally being at peace after talks with Saudi Arabia, it may have inadvertently caused the current war in Gaza ?
https://hischannel.com/WorldNewsBriefing I watch Tom Hughes and his guests on hischannel World News Briefing. Chuck Smith and Don Stewart was on it in the beginning years ago when I started watching it. Also, Barry Stagner was the host. When Tom is gone, there are other hosts to take his place.
Yeah i don't think Tom will be completely disappearing , i think he's going to step back from his church duties and focus on the Hope for our times videos so there is some good news there