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Pro Palestinian (imagery ID), Pro Hamas demonstrators vandalized the Liberty Bell

I don't understand how these people just got away with this

They burned the US flag and hoisted a 'Palestinian" flag
Nothing was done to these people. Most of whom are probably here illegally.

These actions symbolize islamic victory and claiming of the site/territory, as an act of war/jihad in islamic thought/doctrine
They tried to do the same thing on the 911 site in NYC by trying to put a mosque/cultural center on the property :mad:

Something needs to be done . . . now :tap:

:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou:

FWIW, burning the US flag is considered free speech and protected under the First Amendment.
However, hoisting a foreign flag at a national monument/park, especially an enemy flag, is not:tap: