As many Christians gather to celebrate Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Lenten liturgical season, President Trump released the most overtly Christian message by any president on any subject in modern history.
Ash Wednesday's origins are in an edict by Pope Gregory the Great in 601 and its fixation in the liturgical calendar by Pope Urban II in 1091. It marks the beginning of the 40-day season of Lent that culminates in the Feast of Easter. Its roots extend back into the Old Testament, where wearing sackcloth and ashes was a sign of penance. Though most closely associated with the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches (though I have to admit the Orthodox calendar remains a mystery to me), it is also practiced by most of the mainline Protestant denominations. According to the Public Religion Research Institute, you could infer that about 42% of church-attending Christians observe the practice.
If this is Christian Nationalism, sign me up.This Ash Wednesday, we join in prayer with the tens of millions of American Catholics and other Christians beginning the holy season of Lent—a time of spiritual anticipation of the passion, death, and Resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
During the Lenten season, Christians spend 40 days and 40 nights praying, fasting, and giving alms to deepen our faith and strengthen our belief in the Gospel. Today, followers of Christ wear crosses of ash on their foreheads—a sacred reminder of our mortality and our enduring need for Christ’s infinite mercy and redeeming love.
As we solemnly contemplate Jesus Christ’s suffering and death on the cross this Lent, let us prepare our souls for the coming glory of the Easter miracle.
We offer you our best wishes for a prayerful and enriching Lenten season. May Almighty God bless you, and may He continue to bless the United States of America.
Ash Wednesday's origins are in an edict by Pope Gregory the Great in 601 and its fixation in the liturgical calendar by Pope Urban II in 1091. It marks the beginning of the 40-day season of Lent that culminates in the Feast of Easter. Its roots extend back into the Old Testament, where wearing sackcloth and ashes was a sign of penance. Though most closely associated with the Roman Catholic and Orthodox Churches (though I have to admit the Orthodox calendar remains a mystery to me), it is also practiced by most of the mainline Protestant denominations. According to the Public Religion Research Institute, you could infer that about 42% of church-attending Christians observe the practice.