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President Joe Biden tests positive for COVID-19 while in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS, Nev. (FOX5) - President Joe Biden has tested positive for COVID-19.

Organizers at UnidosUS made the announcement shortly before the President was set to take the stage in Las Vegas.

The President’s Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said he is experiencing “mild symptoms” and will be returning to Delaware to self-isolate.

Biden said he was feeling okay earlier in the day Wednesday, but then his symptoms got worse and decided to test for COVID-19.


Quite apart from all his wrongdoings, I can't help thinking poor old thing- his grasp on power is fading, his cronies are ready to boot him to the curb, (don't stand too close to a Clinton) his wife and son want to suck the last bit of juice out of his presidency before he dies and he's teetering on a cliff edge ready to stumble into death regardless of Covid, and unless he got or gets saved, that will be never ending torments. Poor old man.
I am EXTREMELY suspicious and HIGHLY suspecting that this will be the excuse given for him to save face and drop out, to let another rabid dog POTUS and VPOTUS candidate step in!
From today's headline on Washington Examiner

“If I had some medical condition that emerged, if somebody, if doctors came to me and said, you got this problem and that problem,” the president said during an interview with BET’s Ed Gordon when asked if there is anything that could make him change his decision to run.

In total truth, I am ABSOLUTELY unable to have sorrow for him. He chose this path in 2018/19. He is a terrible politician with rabid, leftist, socialist-marxist, progressive anti-American, anti-constitution, pro-Biden, pro-corruption, pro-dark money arrogance. His legacy goes back decades with these things. He is only POTUS because of the sinful times we live in and he was only a congressman b/c of the sinful times and liberal ridiculousness of his state political climate. I have very little sorrow for him and when he is done, this left political machine will just get another person of the same ilk to step in from the infestation that is frothing at the mouth to get their chance.
Quite apart from all his wrongdoings, I can't help thinking poor old thing- his grasp on power is fading, his cronies are ready to boot him to the curb, (don't stand too close to a Clinton) his wife and son want to suck the last bit of juice out of his presidency before he dies and he's teetering on a cliff edge ready to stumble into death regardless of Covid, and unless he got or gets saved, that will be never ending torments. Poor old man.
That's the thing. I really despise Biden, but it is entirely worth praying for his salvation. All these people troubling us are victims of and/or complicit with the Enemy. But God offers reconciliation and freedom and LIFE. Maybe this fall for Biden will cause him to look up for real, not just some ritual in a Mass.


ETA: I should correct that: I despise what Biden and the left in general stand for, and what they do. Other than that they are people and bleed red. Hell wasn't made for them, and I hope they avoid it.
In total truth, I am ABSOLUTELY unable to have sorrow for him. He chose this path in 2018/19. He is a terrible politician with rabid, leftist, socialist-marxist, progressive anti-American, anti-constitution, pro-Biden, pro-corruption, pro-dark money arrogance. His legacy goes back decades with these things. He is only POTUS because of the sinful times we live in and he was only a congressman b/c of the sinful times and liberal ridiculousness of his state political climate. I have very little sorrow for him and when he is done, this left political machine will just get another person of the same ilk to step in from the infestation that is frothing at the mouth to get their chance.
I agree. But he is a human soul. And a human soul is precious to God beyond measure. The Cross is the proof of that. So it would be a tragedy for Christ not to reap the reward of that soul for whom He died. Now, given Joe Biden's life and his current mental state, it is most likely that he will go to Hell. But we can't pronounce that, and we can't even desire that. Christ died for all, because He loves all; therefore, we at the very least need to pray honestly for Mr Biden's salvation. If not for his sake, then for God's glory. It is what we're called to do. For every lost soul.

Biden’s ‘Medical Condition’ Layup​

“This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” lied Joe Biden in 2021. Also that year, he added another lie: “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.”

Since then, vaxxed and boosted President Vaccine Mandate has gotten COVID three times, including now — arguably the worst possible time. Or is it the best time?

Terminally behind in national polls and, more importantly, every battleground state in the Electoral College, Biden said just before the diagnosis that he might consider dropping out for medical reasons. “If I had some medical condition that emerged,” he conceded in a BET interview on Tuesday, “if somebody, if doctors came to me and said, you got this problem and that problem…”

Lo and behold, he’s got COVID. After running around unmasked while shaking hands and taking selfies with people yesterday, he’s canceled events and retreated to Delaware. Again.

Further read:
I agree. But he is a human soul. And a human soul is precious to God beyond measure. The Cross is the proof of that. So it would be a tragedy for Christ not to reap the reward of that soul for whom He died. Now, given Joe Biden's life and his current mental state, it is most likely that he will go to Hell. But we can't pronounce that, and we can't even desire that. Christ died for all, because He loves all; therefore, we at the very least need to pray honestly for Mr Biden's salvation. If not for his sake, then for God's glory. It is what we're called to do. For every lost soul.
I absolutely accept that as truth and should have stated that I fear for his sole and pray for his eternal life.....but I do not feel sorry for him because he dripped with pride, arrogance, and sin for 5+ decades and used his position against children, women, etc. and filled his pockets with dirty money, and gloated over the murder of unborn babies while leading and living under high hypocrisy and defiance against the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

I apologize for coming off as heartless b/c it wasn't my intent, even though I feel a "King" has a huge accountability for their actions and inactions and this man is still mocking our Lord, unborn children, Israel, and our country.