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Political Party Timeline: 1836-1864

Notice thus entry:
1860: Democrats: Stephen Douglas and John C. Breckenridge

John Cabel Breckingridge was a Tennessee lawyer who didn’t support the Southern Cause until the US Government issued an arrest warrant for him. Breckenridge became a Brigadier General in the Confederate States of America.

He it is that led the mission to retake Baton Rouge from the Union forces who capture it. His mission failed, bur would have likely to succeed had not a Confederate Ram boat stopped by engine problems quit four miles from Baton Rouge.

Some soldier in a Michigan regiment wrote graffiti in an extant (existing) power magazine, structure to store black power. He wrote, Rest in Peace, John Breckingridge. Brid General Breckinridge didn’t die until years after the Civil War. I have seen that graffiti several times.