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Police: California-Based Crime Ring Commits ‘Distraction Thefts’ in Utah, Illinois, Nebraska, and Wisconsin

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
Police tracked an organized crime ring from a quiet Utah town through southern California, Illinois, Nebraska, and Wisconsin after it made off with thousands of dollars from unsuspecting shoppers in a boom of “distraction thefts.”

“Predominantly, we have these suspects working in groups of two or three entering business establishments,” Bahlmann said Wednesday. “One person will engage. They’ll identify a target. They’ll look for a person that has a purse or a wallet that’s in the shopping cart or readily accessible.”

Police said another suspected thief, who is reportedly linked to a Romanian crime ring, was known to “shoulder surf” customers at grocery store self-checkouts to get their PINs, approach them under the guise of returning a dropped $20 bill, and steal their wallets.

This type of crime will likely spread all over the country and become a constant problem for everyone who is out and about. We can thank our elected politicians in D.C. for the increased/additional threats that we face from the illegal alien population.