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Police arrest dozens of protesters at Yale University encampment

More than forty protesters were arrested at Yale University Monday morning, according to the Yale Daily News.

A video posted to social media showed police officers warning students, "We have been given a few minutes to clear the area," and telling them, "If you do not leave, you will be arrested." Other videos, uploaded shortly thereafter, showed students being led onto shuttles in zip-ties.

The arrests come following the erection of a protest encampment in the model of the tents set up at Columbia University earlier this week, where police arrested more than a hundred protesters before the demonstration quickly reconstituted itself.

Two protesters have been charged with criminal trespass in the first degree, the Daily News wrote.
The arrests came as condemnations poured in of similar demonstrations in New York City, where student protesters have been recorded expressing full-throated support for Hamas and the October 7 attacks and calling for "intifada."

So many of our youth are so seriously set on the wrong path! It truly makes me despair for the nation's future.
What's so outrageous about it is that these young adults don't even know what they are protesting about. If they knew the history of Israel they would not have anything to protest about.
There is no Palestinian history before Hadrian's decree to change the name of the land of Israel to the Latin name for Philistines, where Palestine came from.
All of the archeological findings in that land points to Israel.
This is purely demonic and Satan is behind this hate.