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Planned Parenthood Teaches 1.2 Million Schoolchildren Per Year


Charter member
Planned Parenthood is the nation’s most prosperous abortion business, committing hundreds of thousands of abortions a year, but its website boasts of another feat: its ability to reach children with a controversial sex education curriculum one expert says does “a horrible and deadly disservice” to kids. Planned Parenthood’s sex ed lessons teach children under the age of 10 about prostitution. They also cover gender identity, LGBTQ “skills,” and how to get an abortion without parental consent or notification.
Teaching little girls about "sugar daddies" so there's a supply of underage girls for perverts willing and able to pay, and underage girls needing abortions and/or contraceptives :mad: Underage prostitution can pay well enough to put a kid through a private university, and historically, some college women have prostituted for tuition, grades, living expenses, and/or extras. An underage kid, who has been prostituting, is a lot more likely to prostitute as an adult, and a lot more likely to have serious relationship problems as an adult. Also another point for an extortionist if the young adult quits.

Anymore, little boys for the homosexual pedophiles willing and able to pay, as well :mad:

Both genders for people in authority to exploit :mad:

Yet another reason for parents and Sunday Schools to be very open about what adultery, fornication, pornography, prostitution, rape, molestation, etc. is. Since one of the pedophile sayings is "sex before eight, or it's too late," and some Kindergarten sex-ed has kids putting condoms on bananas, the very open and explicit education, including Biblical values and morals, how to get help, etc. has to start very young. Given the number of kids, who have been molested and raped, and who then abuse others, even while still young children themselves, I'd say before Kindergarten, at least if going to public school :mad: So much for childhood innocence :mad:

A very strong reason to home school these days :cry:
Spent last night at a Skylark banquet. Skylark is a Christian based, Christian funded, crisis pregnancy center aimed at helping women choose life. It is a Southeast Georgia women’s health clinic that provides complete ob/gyn care.

When they first opened a clinic in our city, they were told it won’t last here. Last night was their 25th anniversary. Thousands of women have been helped and hundreds led to faith in Christ.

They feed a great meal before the meeting, then solicit donations. They are non denominational but are evangelical.
Spent last night at a Skylark banquet. Skylark is a Christian based, Christian funded, crisis pregnancy center aimed at helping women choose life. It is a Southeast Georgia women’s health clinic that provides complete ob/gyn care.

When they first opened a clinic in our city, they were told it won’t last here. Last night was their 25th anniversary. Thousands of women have been helped and hundreds led to faith in Christ.

They feed a great meal before the meeting, then solicit donations. They are non denominational but are evangelical.
That’s encouraging to read.