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Persecuted Christians increasingly being denied asylum in US


Excerpts from article:

As thousands of immigrants cross the United States’ southern border illegally every week, a recent report by two global Christian relief organizations has found that the U.S. has reduced the resettlement of Christians fleeing global persecution by 70% compared to 2016.

For example, the number of Christian refugees resettled in 2022 compared to 2016 from Eritrea (#4 on the 2023 World Watch List) was down 85%, Iran (#8) down 95%, Myanmar/Burma (#14) down 92%, and Iraq (#18) down 94%. Just 1,044 Christian refugees from those four countries were resettled last year, compared to 12,883 in 2016.

Gayle Manchin, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) chair, noted that this historically low refugee ceiling “fail[ed] to reflect that unprecedented numbers of individuals worldwide [who] are forcibly displaced by conflict or persecution, including based on their religion or belief.”

Complete article

This is just another face of the hatred of Jesus Christ and the persecution of His followers. Satan has a firm grip on the governments of this world, America included. But God is over all. And Satan's grip over evil, self-seeking people is only by God's permission. Indeed, Satan's apparent dominance and control are only temporary. They're an illusion that --one day very soon-- will be dispelled for a thousand years.
There are a LOT of Christians coming in across the border from Ethiopia, Sudan, and other places in Africa. Even more if you count those, who are saved and of the Catholic tradition (Mexicans, Central, and South America) and Orthodox tradition (Ukraine, etc.).

Because of the liberal politics and NGOs, many have ended up here and are voting and becoming politically and socially active :lol:

A lot of Christian new arrivals from the 10-40 Window are involved with evangelizing muslims and other refugees/immigrants/migrants here because same/similar cultures and language skills :lol: Other than dangers to muslim women and girls and a few others, it's generally safe to witness/evangelize in the U.S. and those, who have lived under harsh persecution take great advantage of the opportunity. And the people they bring to The Lord also continue the efforts (when safe to do so; former muslims, especially women and girls are in great danger from their famlies and communities).

Many African-language congregations meeting in American churches here. Cost-wise, everyone benefits and it helps hide those that need to not have
families see them going to church (safety concerns). Lots of assimilation assistance in the churches, too, even if it's only due to language and translation.

I wish someone with access to Rep Ilhan Omar would bless her with The Gospel.

God always provides a way, and The Gospel and The Holy Ghost never return void! :hyper:

:bouncies: :bouncies: :bouncies: