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Pentagon spokesperson: 'Russia has launched a satellite that essentially functions as a weapon.'

This was one of the news articles I was trying to remember. The failed launch date was around the time China was launching a copy called Shenlong. It's a copy of the Boeing X37B

What was being reported/speculated at that time was that this one has the capability to scoop an enemy satellite, put it into it's bay, and neutralize it, and or bringing the remains back to earth for further study. It operates at a higher altitude.

I can't find any of the news releases that mentioned that. I did post it in late Nov of last year on another site, but that site took a lot of these threads down and the links I posted with it. Now all I see coming up is experiments with growing seeds in space and other fluff.

The Chinese launched a copycat just before, but theirs doesn't have the altitude capability.

What I recall was that gave a big advantage. This thing can hang out up there above the satellites, pinpoint one it wants, deal with it and remain hidden by virtue of it's position. Now of course it's all about growing seeds in space.

This news release here: Pentagon Leaders Emphasize ‘Responsible’ Options for Countering Space Weapons from last July, emphasizes that there is an American response to these new Russian and Chinese satellite weapons while avoiding specifics.
The other thread on this situation Putin ‘launches space weapon’ while his forces carry out nuke drill near Ukraine

mentions that it was launched to get up close and personal beside the US government satellite USA 314

which answered a question I was thinking, whether the Russian space weapon was aimed at the Boeing X37B. When I was looking thru the news reports of the X37B, a lot of articles popped up about Russian anti-satellite weapons capable of attacking and blowing up other satellites.

Sounds like a space version of the game "chicken" by the Russians to see how America responds.