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Pay Attention! :: By Daymond Duck


On July 4, 2023, Jean Worland (jean.worland@roadrunner.com) posted these words from Hal Lindsey:

  • In Matthew 16:2-3, Jesus admonished us to discern the times. That means pay attention to what’s going on. Study and apply God’s word. And pray about everything. Today, we see signs of distress all over the world. We can see in real-time things the Bible long ago told us about. And it’s not pretty. Lawlessness, moral confusion, slander, deception, hedonism, uncontrolled rage, and cruelty fill our sightlines. These things are no longer theoretical events to be analyzed from a distance. They’re happening all around us, and it can be scary.
Jesus told us to watch the signs many times (Matt. 24:42-43; Mark 13:33-37; Luke 21:36; Rev. 3:3), but those that are not watching do not know or do not care.

Pay attention because “We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ” (II Cor. 5:10).

The world needs to know what is going on, and it is the responsibility of the Church to speak out.

Here are some events that got my attention in recent days:

One, concerning the decline of America and world government: on July 4, 2023, respected journalist, Bob Unruh, wrote an article about Justin Haskins’ warning that America could lose its independence before the 2024 election.

Haskins is the director of the Socialism Research Center at The Heartland Institute, and his article was posted on a conservative web magazine called the Federalist.

According to Unruh, Haskins said:

  • A proposal to give the UN great power to deal with “emergencies” could cause the U.S. as we know it to cease to exist.
  • During an emergency (a natural disaster, a pandemic, whatever), the UN wants the authority to call an emergency and be given power over most of the world.
  • The UN will be authorized to determine what is an emergency, when it begins, when it ends, and retain power over most of the world for as long as it wants.
  • Instead of defending America’s independence and sovereignty, the Biden administration has already expressed support for this UN power grab.
  • Declaring the end of the U.S. sounds dire, but it will be a fact come Sept. 2024 if people don’t stand up.
(Note: It is difficult to keep all the meetings, —UN, WHO, WEF, IMF —meeting dates, and agendas straight. Haskins wrote about what the UN is trying to do that will destroy the U.S. before the next election. There will be other meetings that could destroy the U.S. The thing to remember about all these groups and meetings is that world leaders are very close to establishing a world government.)

Here are some things I have written about in the past two months:

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Personally, I am not a fan of Daymond Duck's blog. I find him a little too "over the top". But that is my personal opinion, and I may be wrong. That said, I can guarantee that the information on which he bases his opinions is indeed factual.