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Part 6: THINK BIBLICALLY- "Whatever's True"!

Love the clarity of absolute truth, and a big AMEN to all but I especially love this part here:

"Today it has become religion to the unsaved Religious Left to call/brand/tag anyone who believes in Absolute Truth, as hateful, intolerant, stupid, mindless,or worse for believing the following:

- That the Bible is true, inerrant and the 100% closed Word of God.

- That every true professing Christian MUST believe what is written in Genesis Chapters 1-11, and Who God is before he or she can truly call themselves a bible-believing Christian.

- That God created the Heavens and the Earth in six (6) 24-hour days and the earth is less than 7,000 years old. He is Creator and there is no such thing as Evolution.

- That the Triune God, Who is God in three persons (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) has always existed in eternity past and always will, even when this current world system is destroyed and remade.

- That Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World, the only Way to Heaven, and His Holy Spirit only indwells those who have repented of their sins and accepted Him as Lord of their lives.

- That Jesus was born of a virgin woman, by the Sovereign Plan and Will of God the Father, into a couple from the lineage of King David, in Bethlehem as prophesied in Micah 5:2.

- That Jesus the Man, Who never sinned in His 33 years on earth; never gave up His Divinity; was both God and Man; taught what is recorded in the Gospels and then was killed by evil men. That was allowed to happen, again by the pre-determined plan of God as a payment for our sins.

- That Jesus was crucified on the Passover that year, and rose from the Tomb on Resurrection Sunday, just as He had said, to fulfill God's plan. He ascended to the Throne on the Right Hand of God The Father, from Where He reigns today and forever more, amen.

In brief, these are the essentials and basics we must believe, in order proceed with comprehending all Scripture. These essentials are what comprise Truth, i.e. Absolute Truth, Objective Truth. Anything else is a lie.

AMEN brother, AMEN