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Parents Should Be Leading: Is Knowing Your Child’s Gender ‘A Privilege, Not a Right’?


Parental rights are under attack in Canada—and thankfully some Canadians are standing up and saying, “Enough!” as evidenced by growing support in various provinces for bills that require parental consent for minors to use preferred names or pronouns at school. But not everyone believes that parents have the right to know if their child is transitioning at school.

An opinion piece recently appeared in the online newspaper The Toronto Star, titled, “It’s a privilege, not a right, to know your kid’s gender identity.”

In this article, Julie Malbogat, the mother of an 11-year-old girl who identifies as a boy, expressed her horror that parents might be informed of a child’s social gender transition—after all, those parents might not be fully supportive.
I thought LifeSite News provided a helpful “translation” of Malbogat’s headline.

Translation: It is the right of the state to keep fundamental facts about your child–facts that may impact their health and well-being for the rest of their lives–from you.
Yes, Malbogat is arguing that parents only have the privilege of knowing their child’s so-called gender identity if they’ve earned it by being like her—fully supportive, fully affirming, never questioning, because of course a child knows their “true self” (I say that tongue-in-cheek of course!).

A “Nothingburger” Gender Transition?​

Malbogat begins her article by sharing her daughter’s story (please note that the article incorrectly refers to the child as a son and uses male pronouns, but the child is actually a girl).

My son, Zack, is transgender. He told us — nonchalantly at bedtime — three years ago. Because he’s only 11, so far his transition has been strictly social: new pronouns, new clothes, new haircut, new name. With few exceptions, it’s been as nothingburger as it sounds.

By the time he has his first appointment at the SickKids gender clinic in August 2024, he’ll be 12 and a half and we’ll have been on the wait-list for 18 months. If, four years into his transition, he chooses gender affirming medication, it will not be an impulsive decision.

What a bland way to describe an identity issue this girl is facing that may very well result in chemical castration, body-mutilating surgeries, and lifelong confusion! It’s worth noting that this parent is freely allowing a child to make life-altering decisions at such a young age. As the article states, “If, four years into [her] transition, [she] chooses gender affirming medication . . .” (emphasis added).

But should a (then) twelve-year-old child be making irreversible decisions that impact the rest of her life? I doubt this parent would likewise conclude that a child should be allowed to decide to get a tattoo, pick up smoking, or get married at such an age!

Children lack wisdom, experience, foresight, and the ability to fully consent to such medical decisions, and that’s why God has given them parents to lead them in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6).

Just because a child feels a specific way does not make it correct (we all—including children—have deceitful hearts; Jeremiah 17:9) or make it anything more than a phase that, if not encouraged, will pass (as is the case with many dysphoric children).

Children should not be leading—parents should be!

Full Throttle on the Road of Drugs and Surgery.....​

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Mrs Malbogat is guilty of child abuse through neglect of her parental duties. I pray for her poor child as she proceeds forward in life, victimized by her mother's misguided and ill-founded beliefs.
Does this mean that parents have to close their eyes during delivery, and when changing diapers?

Even little kids know the simple truth of inside vs outside plumbing.

Enough is enough, already!