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Outrageous: Biden’s Defense Department Labels Pro-Life Organizations as “Terrorist Organizations” During Anti-Terrorism Briefing

The Biden regime’s Defense Department has taken an unprecedented step by categorizing pro-life organizations as “terrorist organizations” during an anti-terrorism briefing held at Fort Liberty’s Directorate of Emergency Services, formerly known as Fort Bragg, on Wednesday.

This deeply concerning slide from an anti-terrorism brief was first exposed by citizen journalist Sam Shoemate, or @samour, on X.

“An anti-terrorism brief was held on Fort Liberty (Bragg) today where they listed several Pro-Life organizations as “terrorist organizations.” The slide you see here followed right after a slide about ISIS, a terror group in the Middle East,” Shoemate wrote on X.

The presentation slide, which has since circulated widely on social media, lists these pro-life organizations that oppose “Roe[sic] v. Wade” under a headline reading “TERRORIST GROUPS.”


The rabid left has now turned everything they are doing into a set of big lies that states the right are the ones actually doing those things. Lies are everywhere. Liars have infested our world. Lying seems to be a constant. When it comes to abortion the world tells lies nonstop. Biden's defense department are liars about pro-Life organizations. Typically we would just have this mindset about liars, lies, and lying. However, the rabid left wants to imprison pro-Lifers. That makes this a very dangerous game of lying!

By the way, regarding a lie within the pro-Life / pro-Death abortion debate......how about the lie that it's about women's healthcare? Then there's the lie about a fetus is not a baby early (if not anytime) in the pregnancy. There's more too, but the point is that even these lies are very dangerous........for the baby.

Abortion supporters disgust me.
The rabid left has now turned everything they are doing into a set of big lies that states the right are the ones actually doing those things. Lies are everywhere. Liars have infested our world. Lying seems to be a constant.
Exactly as the Bible warns us would happen in the last days. And it will only get worse, until we are removed. Yet, as the darkness increases, we're not called to despair. We are called to shine the light of Christ everywhere we can, snatching precious souls out of the fire.
The rabid left has now turned everything they are doing into a set of big lies that states the right are the ones actually doing those things. Lies are everywhere. Liars have infested our world. Lying seems to be a constant. When it comes to abortion the world tells lies nonstop. Biden's defense department are liars about pro-Life organizations. Typically we would just have this mindset about liars, lies, and lying. However, the rabid left wants to imprison pro-Lifers. That makes this a very dangerous game of lying!

By the way, regarding a lie within the pro-Life / pro-Death abortion debate......how about the lie that it's about women's healthcare? Then there's the lie about a fetus is not a baby early (if not anytime) in the pregnancy. There's more too, but the point is that even these lies are very dangerous........for the baby.

Abortion supporters disgust me.
Deception is everywhere in the spirit of Antichrist.
These who are ungodly will soon believe The Big Lie when God gives them that Great Delusion that's coming.
The rabid left has now turned everything they are doing into a set of big lies that states the right are the ones actually doing those things. Lies are everywhere. Liars have infested our world. Lying seems to be a constant. When it comes to abortion the world tells lies nonstop. Biden's defense department are liars about pro-Life organizations. Typically we would just have this mindset about liars, lies, and lying. However, the rabid left wants to imprison pro-Lifers. That makes this a very dangerous game of lying!

By the way, regarding a lie within the pro-Life / pro-Death abortion debate......how about the lie that it's about women's healthcare? Then there's the lie about a fetus is not a baby early (if not anytime) in the pregnancy. There's more too, but the point is that even these lies are very dangerous........for the baby.

Abortion supporters disgust me.
I had an abortion before I was saved and it’s only by God’s grace and mercy that I was born again. I was a Christian hating feminist before that. Pray for them for they are deceived by Satan himself. Deception is everywhere like you said!
Some of the excuses I've heard from people in places/areas/times they weren't supposed to be, or at least not expected to be if his or her business was legal. If I encountered the same person in the same area more than once, if he or she didn't live or work very close-by, and the route, direction of travel, and time of travel weren't reasonable/logical, there was a high likelihood of a more prolonged contact (field investigation report (FIR).

"I was tying my shoe, Officer" :lol: (doesn't work with flip-flops)
"I accidentally dropped my keys/purse/lighter/phone/etc., Officer" :lol:
"I accidentally dropped a piece of paper/cigarette/etc. and didn't want to litter, Officer" :lol:
"I was too tired and hurting too much to walk any farther, so I had to sit on my rollator for a few minutes so I wouldn't fall, Officer" :lol:
"I'm waiting for the bus, Officer :lol: (only works at the actual bus stop)
"One of my contacts popped out and I can't find it, Officer" :lol: (only works if one is wearing a contact in one eye, and need to have a current prescription)
"I'm so glad you're here, Officer. I fell. Could you please help me up?" :lol: (best reserved for little old ladies with canes or rollators)
"My car quit and I'm trying to figure out what's wrong and get it started, Officer" :lol:
"My car (or bicycle, etc.) has a flat. Can you please help me get the tire out of the trunk, Officer?" :lol: (must have a flat and be able to change your own tire)

:big grin; :lol:

Officers have probably heard every excuse in the book.

Pro-life groups slap back at 'terrorist' designation from Fort Liberty
A U.S. Department of Defense briefing given July 10 at Fort Liberty in North Carolina described two prominent pro-life organizations as “terrorist groups,” a characterization that brought swift rebuke from national and local pro-life leaders.

A slide from the anti-terrorism awareness briefing was posted on social media late on July 10 by DOD whistleblower Samuel Shoemate, who received it from a U.S. Army soldier who was in the training meeting at Fort Liberty, formerly known as Fort Bragg. The slide has garnered 1.5 million views on X.

The offending slide was titled “Terrorist Groups” and included the logos of National Right to Life and Operation Rescue. It described them as pro-life but also said they “oppose Row [sic] v. Wade” and are tied to “bombings of clinics” and “attempted murders.”

The presentation brought immediate condemnation from National Right to Life, which called it “deeply offensive” and contrasted it with the Biden administration’s support for unlimited abortion.

“Only under the Biden administration can peaceful law-abiding citizens and their peaceful activities be considered ‘terrorism,’” Tobias said. “The Biden administration promotes the deaths of preborn babies and advocates for unlimited abortion, but peaceful pro-life Americans are labeled ‘terrorists.’”

Complete Article:

An anti-terrorism briefing held earlier this month by the U.S. Army at Fort Liberty, formerly Fort Bragg, labeled multiple pro-life organizations as “terrorist organizations.”

Watchdog journalist Sam Shoemate shared a picture of a slideshow used during the training to label pro-life groups as terrorist groups. Shoemate wrote, “An anti-terrorism brief was held on Fort Liberty (Bragg) today where they listed several Pro-Life organizations as ‘terrorist organizations.’ The slide you see here followed right after a slide about ISIS, a terror group in the Middle East.”

In the picture, both the National Right to Life and Operation Rescue pro-life groups were labeled as terror organizations. The slide also included a picture of a license plate with the designation “IM4IT,” which Shoemate said is displayed by many pro-life supporters across the country and “implies normal citizens are terrorists if they display this plate.”
