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Obama State Dept blocked FBI from arresting supporters of Iran nuclear program in US: Emails

EXCLUSIVE: The Obama-Biden State Department "actively interfered" to prevent the FBI from executing arrest warrants on individuals illegally in the United States who were allegedly supporting Iranian financial efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction, whistleblowers told Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson.

Fox News Digital obtained letters Grassley, R-Iowa, and Johnson, R-Wis., sent to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and Attorney General Merrick Garland on the matter.

The Obama-Biden administration began its Joint Plan of Action, which served as the negotiating process for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran Nuclear Deal, that was signed by then-President Obama in 2015. At the time, Obama said broader sanctions would remain in place, which the administration would "continue to enforce... vigorously."

The United States, for decades during both Republican and Democratic administrations, imposed sanctions on "Iranian individuals, companies, and organizations for involvement in nuclear proliferation, ballistic missile development, support for terrorist groups, and human rights abuses."


But he will most certainly pay for that and more in the next. And there is no expiry date in the next life. He will pay forever. So sad. As hard as it may be we need to pray for his salvation along with all the others. :pray:
But he will most certainly pay for that and more in the next. And there is no expiry date in the next life. He will pay forever. So sad. As hard as it may be we need to pray for his salvation along with all the others. :pray:
Thank goodness we serve a living, grace-giving, long suffering God! He is just and will continue to work out His perfect plan, according to His timing. Those who refuse His Son Jesus Christ, those who think they can continue to do all kinds of evil and think they’ll somehow get out of the judgment that awaits them one day them will see that God won’t change His mind. He won’t be bribed, He can’t lie, nor does He deceive. Their punishment will be eternal suffering in Hell and I would never wish that on anyone !

Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.”

Philippians 2:10 “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,”