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North Carolina Democrat floats 'shadow cabinet' to take on Trump administration

With President-elect Trump headed back to the White House and Republicans in the majority in Congress, Democrats have few options to push back against the GOP agenda.

But one enterprising North Carolina lawmaker thinks his minority party should look across the pond to the United Kingdom for the answer to "go toe to toe" with Trump. Rep. WIley Nickels, D-N.C., has proposed that Democrats create a "shadow cabinet" to organize the opposition and challenge each decision by the government.

"Across the Atlantic, the British have something we don’t: a team from the opposition that mirrors the government’s cabinet members. They watch the cabinet closely, publicly challenging, scrutinizing and offering new ideas. It’s another form of checks and balances — a quiet guardrail that keeps power accountable," Wiley argues in an op-ed for the Washington Post.

His proposal is to appoint 26 Democratic leaders in Congress to mirror Trump's Cabinet-level officials and challenge each initiative of the incoming administration. Sen.-elect Adam Schiff, D-Calif., for instance, could be a shadow attorney general who would call out Trump's efforts to replace career Justice Department attorneys with those loyal to the president. Or Rep. Gregory W. Meeks, D-N.Y., might be a shadow Secretary of State who would loudly oppose potential action by the Trump administration that would decrease support for Ukraine in its war with Russia.


Video with Jan Markell and Mark Henry along with Pastor Brandon Holthous discuss the topic on the OP of a Shadow Government formed by Democrats to resist the Trump Administration.

**If this plan, that's out in the open, goes through, it may result in a civil war of resistance having "two-governments", one legitimate and the other in rebellion

As brought up in the video, God is Still in control.

Even So, Come Lord Jesus**

Video timing: 1:00:06

One-on-one defense, rather than zone defense.

There is one good thing that could come out of this.

After the Rapture, if the Cabinet Member is gone, and his or her shadow is left behind, the shadow will have some idea of what was going on in that Department at the decision-making levels, including budget. This could significantly help with continuity of operations and continuation of national-level government.

Maybe instead of trying to find ways to fight the duly-elected federal administration, Representative Nickels should be more concerned about the plight of the thousands of residents of Western North Carolina who would be freezing and starving in their tents and sheds were it not for good Samaritan's from North Carolina and neighboring states who are doing what is necessary to keep these people warm and alive ... all in the face of a state government and a federal government that does not seem to give a darn about them. Andrea and I have been watching a lot of the rescue, recovery, and support and supply videos being posted. It is an utter disgrace that people in North Carolina and Tennessee, more than 3 months after the disaster, are still living hand to mouth and day by day with no meaningful government help in sight. Shame on Representative Wiley and the rest of the Democrat federal and state politicians in North Carolina. They clearly have not learned the lesson of this last election. (Which, I suppose, bodes well for the GOP in 2026.)
I saw that video and was shocked. They aren’t even hiding it. I am once again concerned about civil war and wondering what that would look like. There are many republicans in blue states, and vice versa. As well as many - probably millions - of people like myself who - though my Mom is my political opposite - I will defend her until my dying breath. So I see civil war as a lot of confusion which makes any war — when you can’t identify who your enemy is—far worse.
God help us.

By Tyler O'Neil
January 13, 2025

DEEP STATE GEARING UP: Nearly Half of Federal Employees in the Swamp Plan to Resist Trump, Poll Finds​

A surprising number of federal government employees admit they are gearing up to act like a deep state, opposing the incoming second administration of Donald Trump.

Most Americans, even many of the elites who voted for Vice President Kamala Harris, are willing to support Trump’s administration, according to an RMG Research survey commissioned by the Napolitan Institute. Yet 42% of federal government managers who work in the Washington, D.C., swamp intend to work against the administration.

RMG Research conducted three surveys in mid-December to study three different segments of the population. The polling firm focused on what it calls the Elite 1% who have postgraduate degrees, earn more than $150,000 annually, and live in densely populated areas; Main Street Americans who meet none of these three criteria and who represent between 70% and 75% of the U.S. population; and Federal Government Managers—federal employees who live in the National Capitol Region around Washington and earn at least $75,000 annually.

Main Street Americans tend to have less faith in government and want more freedom for Americans, while the Elite 1% tend to have more faith in government and say Americans have too much freedom. Main Street Americans tend to look down on the idea of a deep state opposing the people’s elected president.

Favorable Headwinds for Trump, With One Exception​

The poll found that many Americans are willing to support the new administration, even among the elites and even among those who voted for Harris.

The survey asked, “Looking ahead to the next four years, will your political efforts be primarily to support the Trump administration or resist the Trump administration?”

Most Main Street Americans (59%) said they would support the new administration, while only 28% said they would resist it. Even the Elite 1% proved more likely to say they would support (48%) than resist (39%) the administration.

Even some of those who said they voted for Harris in November said they would support the new administration. Twelve percent of Harris voters said they will work to at least somewhat support the new administration.

On Election Day, 64% of the Elite 1% voted for Harris while only 34% voted for Trump. Yet among the Elite 1% who voted for Harris, a quarter (26%) said they are working to support the new administration.

Federal Government Managers, however, proved evenly split, with only 44% saying they would support the administration and 42% saying they would resist it.

(Chart from the RMG Research Inc. polling report.)

Government Employees Joining the Resistance​

Unsurprisingly, Federal Government Managers proved more gung-ho about resistance when they identified as Democrats.

While the vast majority of government employees who identify as Republicans plan to support the administration (89% “somewhat support” or “strongly support”), almost three quarters of Democrat bureaucrats plan to resist (73% “somewhat resist” or “strongly resist”). More than half of Republican managers (52%) said they would “strongly support” the administration, while 40% of Democrats said they will “strongly resist” it.

A quarter of all managers (26%), whether Democrat or Republican, plan to “strongly support” the administration, and only a slightly smaller portion (23%) say they will “strongly resist” it.

The survey also asked Federal Government Managers what they would do if Trump gave them a lawful order that they considered to be bad policy. Only 17% of Democratic managers who voted for Harris would follow Trump’s order. Three times as many (64%) said they would ignore the order and do what they thought was best. This amounts to a declaration that they plan to act like a deep state, opposing the people’s elected president.

Voters did not look kindly on the idea of bureaucrats refusing to follow orders, however.

More than half (54%) of Main Street Voters said that a bureaucrat who refuses to follow a lawful order from the president should be fired, and even most of the Elite 1% (52%) agreed.

Most Republican managers (74%) say a bureaucrat should be fired for refusing a presidential order, while only 23% of Democratic managers agree.

Most Republican managers (74%) say a bureaucrat should be fired for refusing a presidential order, while only 23% of Democratic managers agree.

A Yawning Gulf​

When asked about the most important political issue at the moment, Federal Government Managers had different priorities than Main Street Americans and voters as a whole. (The survey asked an open-ended question, rather than giving a list.)

Main Street Americans proved more likely to mention some version of the economy (40%) or immigration (18%) as the top issues, as did voters overall (39% chose the economy and 17% chose immigration). Fewer Main Street Americans named some version of America’s politics (4%), abortion (6%), or Trump (4%).

Even the Elite 1% seemed closer to Main Street Americans than the Federal Government Managers. The elites named the economy (26%), America’s politics (11%), and immigration (7%) as their top issues.

While the economy proved the top issue for bureaucrats, as well, only 18% chose it. Another 11% chose immigration.

Many of the Federal Government Managers selected issues that didn’t register for most other Americans, such as guns and crime (10%), climate change (6%), education (5%), equality (5%), and cybersecurity (5%).

While these are important issues—and I’d like to see how many bureaucrats named some version of gun control and how many named increasing crime rates—they reveal a gap in priorities between bureaucrats and the people for whom they write the rules.

(Chart from the RMG Research Inc. polling report.)
RMG Research surveyed 1,000 registered voters between Dec. 12 and Dec. 13; 1,000 Elite 1% voters between Dec. 9 and Dec. 19, and 500 federal government managers between Dec. 9 and Dec. 23. The margin of error for the Elite 1% is plus or minus 3.1% and the margin of error for federal government managers is plus or minus 4.4%.

What Does This Mean?​

This survey confirms that bureaucrats in the administrative state are planning to oppose Trump from within, whether that means by refusing lawful orders or by engaging in political activism against Trump outside of work hours.

This deep state phenomenon undermined the first Trump administration, and the president has pledged to fight it aggressively in the new one.

My forthcoming book, “The Woketopus: The Dark Money Cabal Manipulating the Federal Government,” reveals how major left-wing donors prop up a vast network of woke activist groups that staff and advise the federal government. This vast influence network held sway in the Biden administration but will not end on Jan. 20.

Congress can help Trump combat this deep state phenomenon by passing laws preventing public sector unions in the federal government, restraining regulations, and reining in agencies that have been insulated from Congress and the president, such as the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

I suspect antifa's choice of resistance this time around will be fire, as ordered by their paymasters, of course. It will take a strong response to keep them from burning much of the country.
Main Street Americans proved more likely to mention some version of the economy (40%) or immigration (18%) as the top issues, as did voters overall (39% chose the economy and 17% chose immigration). Fewer Main Street Americans named some version of America’s politics (4%), abortion (6%), or Trump (4%).

Even the Elite 1% seemed closer to Main Street Americans than the Federal Government Managers. The elites named the economy (26%), America’s politics (11%), and immigration (7%) as their top issues.

While the economy proved the top issue for bureaucrats, as well, only 18% chose it. Another 11% chose immigration.

Many of the Federal Government Managers selected issues that didn’t register for most other Americans, such as guns and crime (10%), climate change (6%), education (5%), equality (5%), and cybersecurity (5%).
There is obviously a huge gulf between mainstream Americans and those relative few --the Federal Government Managers-- who are supposed to work for our government, but instead actually run vast swathes of it. These are the people who need to be removed from their positions and replaced by people who actually understand what the term "public servant" means.