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NM Governor just stripped her state of 1st & 2nd Constitutional Amendments!

What the governor does not understand is that "rights" cannot be suspended. They are RIGHTS. A legal website gives the following definitions:
A right is something that cannot be legally denied, such as the rights to free speech, press, religion, and raising a family. A privilege is something that can be given and taken away....
The governor, therefore, has performed an illegal act and must be held accountable. A right can NOT be taken or suspended. And as the founding fathers made clear our rights are God given. So, if anyone could take away a right, it would only be the One who gave it.

Gun Owners in NM Show Governor Exactly What They Think About Her Firearm Ban​

Gun owners in New Mexico have started to protest Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham's (D) "public health order" that bans legally concealed and opening carry of firearms within Albuquerque and Bernalillo County.

On Sunday, around 100 showed up in Old Town Albuquerque, with many openly carrying handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Police did not intervene and there was no act of violence from the gathering.

What the governor does not understand is that "rights" cannot be suspended. They are RIGHTS. A legal website gives the following definitions:
A right is something that cannot be legally denied, such as the rights to free speech, press, religion, and raising a family. A privilege is something that can be given and taken away....
The governor, therefore, has performed an illegal act and must be held accountable. A right can NOT be taken or suspended. And as the founding fathers made clear our rights are God given. So, if anyone could take away a right, it would only be the One who gave it.
Those rights were given by The Creator (GOD) and outlined and enumerated in the Constitution.
It's pretty bold and presumptuous of someone to think he or she can take away what GOD has given.
Methinks someone needs to learn some fear of The Lord (GOD).

NM Governor Admits Her Concealed Carry Ban Will Not Impact Criminals​

In the KOB4 video, a reporter questioned Grisham as to whether her order violated Second Amendment rights.

Grisham responded by stressing her belief that “no constitutional right … is intended to be absolute.”

Later in the video, another reporter asked, “Do you think that criminals are going to hear this message and not carry a gun in Albuquerque, on the streets, for 30 days?”

Grisham responded, “Ah….no.”


NM Governor Admits Her Concealed Carry Ban Will Not Impact Criminals​

In the KOB4 video, a reporter questioned Grisham as to whether her order violated Second Amendment rights.

Grisham responded by stressing her belief that “no constitutional right … is intended to be absolute.”

Later in the video, another reporter asked, “Do you think that criminals are going to hear this message and not carry a gun in Albuquerque, on the streets, for 30 days?”

Grisham responded, “Ah….no.”

This Governor needs to be recalled immediately. A governor cannot suspend the US Constitution. You cannot just call law abiding citizens criminals.

'I Have a Fact For You': NM Sheriff Goes Scorched Earth on Gov's Gun Ban​

Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen (D) issued a forceful rebuke of New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham's (D) public health order, which banned the legal concealed and open carrying of firearm for 30 days, during a press conference on Monday.

"In reference to concealed carry and open carry, the Bernalillo County Sheriff's Office will not enforce this segment of the order...It is unconstitutional. My oath was to protect the Constitution and that is what I will do...This order will not do anything to curb gun violence other than punish law-abiding citizens from their constitutional right to self-defense," Allen said.

"I have a fact for you: Criminals do not follow the law or a public health order — never seen it — we will never see criminals follow the law," he added.

It's good that Sheriffs are usually elected. Heads of police departments who aren't elected can often be fired by mayors.